Death of SMM
(too old to reply)
Peter J Ross
2006-09-21 10:53:43 UTC
Since the other moderators are too stupid, too scared, or too "busy"
to do much moderating, soc.fr00ts.moderated is probably now extinct.
They can at least thank me for giving them more than two weeks in
which they were able to babble and whine without being told how kooky
their posts were.
Like many mommy boys, you think too highly of your importance.
Like many little mommies-boys he stomped off the field and took his
and ball with him.
We shouldn't be so hard on him Ken. There's millions of good men like
him who were indocrinated by the public school systems while we sat on
our hands and did nothing.
No Tom, he just surrendered his masculinity mindlessly. That isn't the
bad part of the neutered American male, it is that he has turned on his
fellow man to become a tool for the man-haters. He is presumably an adult
and responsible for his choices. He has CHOSEN to see disagreement with
radical feminism's agenda of hate toward the male gender as hate of women.
That IS a "choice." Peter won't look at the world in any other way. He is
not suffering form the Stockholm syndrome and can't use it as an excuse. He
has adopted certain political and social beliefs and is incapable of looking
outside the box to see a different reality, the one the men here are TRYING
to speak about. Marg doesn't like it, and Peter and his pals don't like it.
He can't connect the dots between some of the pain that is expressed here
and real world suffering not only of the men but their children when we have
a system that won't listen. Peter sadly gets angry when anyone tries to tell
him that his Empress is buck naked and has flabby tits and a huge ass.
Please post any further fantasies you have about me to alt.fan.pjr,

PJR :-)
_ _(o)_(o)_ _ | The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no Cabal."
._\`:_ F S M _:' \_, | FSM: <http://www.venganza.org/>
/ (`---'\ `-. | AUK: <http://www.netcabal.com/auk/>
,-` _) (_, F_P | PJR: <http://insurgent.org/~pjr/>
2006-09-21 13:15:05 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
We shouldn't be so hard on him Ken. There's millions of good men like
him who were indocrinated by the public school systems while we sat on
our hands and did nothing.
No Tom, he just surrendered his masculinity mindlessly. That isn't the
bad part of the neutered American male, it is that he has turned on his
fellow man to become a tool for the man-haters. He is presumably an adult
and responsible for his choices. He has CHOSEN to see disagreement with
radical feminism's agenda of hate toward the male gender as hate of women.
That IS a "choice." Peter won't look at the world in any other way. He is
not suffering form the Stockholm syndrome and can't use it as an excuse. He
has adopted certain political and social beliefs and is incapable of looking
outside the box to see a different reality, the one the men here are TRYING
to speak about. Marg doesn't like it, and Peter and his pals don't like it.
He can't connect the dots between some of the pain that is expressed here
and real world suffering not only of the men but their children when we have
a system that won't listen. Peter sadly gets angry when anyone tries to tell
him that his Empress is buck naked and has flabby tits and a huge ass.
Please post any further fantasies you have about me to alt.fan.pjr,
No need to Petey you do all the heavy lifting FOR me.
Peter J Ross
2006-09-21 13:37:13 UTC
Post by krp
Post by Peter J Ross
Please post any further fantasies you have about me to alt.fan.pjr,
No need to Petey you do all the heavy lifting FOR me.
You're obedient today, Kakey.

PJR :-)
_ _(o)_(o)_ _ | The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no Cabal."
._\`:_ F S M _:' \_, | FSM: <http://www.venganza.org/>
/ (`---'\ `-. | AUK: <http://www.netcabal.com/auk/>
,-` _) (_, F_P | PJR: <http://insurgent.org/~pjr/>