"My Musa"
(too old to reply)
George Dance
2009-10-22 13:37:37 UTC
Your beauty extinguishes all others,
O Nova of brilliant light purifying
all pretenders who move in your midst
and leaving dust piles in your wake.
My Musa whose features are water-drawn,
you are my mutable feast changing
incarnations from bookish girl
to seductress to mother with babe at breast.
You stir this pen to write you real,
I believe I am still in dreaming
and you arose whole from my skull
as some pedestal pure ideal of woman.
Your every gleaming cell respires beauty,
You are an unobtainable mile
for me to reach like a yellow moon
looming beyond neanderthal hands.
Falling within distance, I re-surge
until at last my arms enclose you.
Nice work, thanks for posting!
The author's josh faulken, BTW: the same poster whose poem, "The
Midnight Bedroom," you were accused of stealing (by PJ Ross) when you
crossposted a reply into AAPC. See thread:

"Red Lipped Stranger & other stories" by Will Dockery:http://www.myspace.com/willdockery
Will Dockery
2009-10-22 19:08:01 UTC
Post by George Dance
Your beauty extinguishes all others,
O Nova of brilliant light purifying
all pretenders who move in your midst
and leaving dust piles in your wake.
My Musa whose features are water-drawn,
you are my mutable feast changing
incarnations from bookish girl
to seductress to mother with babe at breast.
You stir this pen to write you real,
I believe I am still in dreaming
and you arose whole from my skull
as some pedestal pure ideal of woman.
Your every gleaming cell respires beauty,
You are an unobtainable mile
for me to reach like a yellow moon
looming beyond neanderthal hands.
Falling within distance, I re-surge
until at last my arms enclose you.
Nice work, thanks for posting!
The author's josh faulken, BTW: the same poster whose poem, "The
Midnight Bedroom," you were accused of stealing (by PJ Ross) when you
Ah, yeah... so Josh came and went, even with coddling from PJR?

"Red Lipped Stranger & other stories" by Will Dockery:
Post by George Dance
"Red Lipped Stranger & other stories" by Will Dockery:http://www.myspace.com/willdockery
Peter J Ross
2009-10-23 04:29:32 UTC
In rec.arts.poems on Thu, 22 Oct 2009 06:37:37 -0700 (PDT), George
Dance <***@yahoo.ca> wrote:

Post by George Dance
The author's josh faulken, BTW: the same poster whose poem, "The
Midnight Bedroom," you were accused of stealing (by PJ Ross) when you
Did I really accuse a notorious thief (i.e. Will Dreckery) of
stealing? I must have been on the ball that day!
PJR :-)

Will Dockery
2009-10-23 07:14:21 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
Did I really accuse a notorious thief
No, but you've been supporting, defending and applauding one, Michael
Cook, for years, though.

"Red Lipped Stranger & other stories" by Will Dockery:
George Dance
2009-10-23 12:54:16 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
In rec.arts.poems on Thu, 22 Oct 2009 06:37:37 -0700 (PDT), George
Post by George Dance
The author's josh faulken, BTW: the same poster whose poem, "The
Midnight Bedroom," you were accused of stealing (by PJ Ross) when you
Did I really accuse a notorious thief (i.e. Will Dreckery) of
No. You may have confused two people with similar names.

I must have been on the ball that day!
If you call everyone a thief (and/or a kidfucker), you're certain to
be right sometimes, Pedo Ross. It's called the 'stopped clock'
Post by Peter J Ross
PJR :-)
George Dance
2009-10-23 13:09:16 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
In rec.arts.poems on Thu, 22 Oct 2009 06:37:37 -0700 (PDT), George
Post by George Dance
The author's josh faulken, BTW: the same poster whose poem, "The
Midnight Bedroom," you were accused of stealing (by PJ Ross) when you
Post by Peter J Ross
Did I really accuse a notorious thief (i.e. Will Dreckery) of
Not that I know of. You may have confused two people with similar
Post by Peter J Ross
I must have been on the ball that day!
If you call everyone a thief (and/or a kidfucker), you're certain to
be right sometimes, Pedo Ross. It's called the 'stopped clock'
