An Urgent New Group Request : alt.in.over.my.pay-grade
(too old to reply)
2007-06-30 19:16:52 UTC
[... The Original Post. And the link is good...]
So, all you faggots feel free to let me
know what you figure out.
~> So, you are invited go figure where all this "stalker"
kook-fab originates...
Brian, you appear to have collected an honest to goodness
~> A "stalker" that posts an OP and doesn't mention [Brian's]
name anywhere or anyway or anyhow... hmmmm... LOL!
You beat me to it. I was just thinking the same thing.
~> Did someone timely articulate "how ironic"? LOL!
We've *never* seen those maneveurs before?
It certainly seems to be awfully strong, from a
stranger. What say the kookologists?
~> 9 out of 10 "kookologists" say there are not 2 jerks
in the world on [Brian Mailman's] train of thought,
and the messages are expositive of a sock-puppet train
poorly planned and pitifully executed... just too typical.
Any real kookologist might say Brian Mailman is a kook.
I'd likely say Brian has "issues". How did your mother
treat you, Brian? Did she make fun of your "pee-pee"?
Nice penis lame, "proponent".
I'm not a kookologist, but I play one in a few groups.
I'd say this Bucky is having a ball with some sort of
'nutritional' drink.
~> "not a kookologist" because that's evidently
way over ah's (or *whatever* his name is) paygrade...
Consider yourself lucky that I'd allow you to lie at my feet so I could
kick you like the dog you are.
Brian Mailman <now-playing-little.Misc.Victim> whines to his
Just seems to me that he's hinting at knowing me somehow...
oh well, if it's who I think it is, it'll be confirmed with
a typical misspelling/substitution: "loose" for "lose" and
"toungue" for "tongue." "moibile" for "mobile" and the like.
~> You are definately having some delusional thought processes -
and the more you write the more you prove this to be true.
Now, you *don't* know me. Oh, but I *do* know *you*!
You are *every* bully-inclined asshole who ever thought they
could take advantage of a perceived weakness and exert their
own "power" over an intended or perceived prey.
But, you badly underestimated this time, because you are bested!
And I haven't needed to pull any shell or sock to do it easily,
blindfolded - with one hand tied behind my back - typing with my feet.
And now, you're pulling out all your tired little tricks trying to play the
"victim" because you just don't play well with others. Likely you have
never. Even more likely, you have an unhappy existence, void of any joy,
thus you direct your efforts trying to make others feel bad, and still it
does not make you feel better, does it? And this is a forum whereby you can
conjure up and "organize" like-minded nyms...
To what fucking end, you dipshit? Snip-and-snipe usenet convolutions...
boi, *you* *must* *be* "living the dream!"
I believe your rather convoluted and obfuscated dialog, along with those by
and through your sock-p00pette personas, are widely recognized by the
regulars and anyone with any meaningful purpose in this environment.
I made a simple request, and attempted to open a simple and straightforward
discussion, to wit : alt.knock-knock .
All one needs to do is examine the list of groups in alt.* and then in
alt.misc.* to see that your initial response was disingenuous, brusque and
contemptuous! No humor implied nor inferred, your tone was clear.
This is likely one of your deficient personality traits; thus, your delusions
of persecution (thinking you're being stalked) tethered by a tendency to
delusions of grandeur (thinking anybody really cares) - likely going back to
the trait of the "boi who cried wolf" just too many damn times!
Now, either pursue a legitimate discussion on-topic of getting a group done,
or moved in a constructive direction or change your nym to something else,
because *you* *can* *believe* you no longer have any credibility. And sock-
poopettes don't count... And there is no paygrade for "kookologists" - no
money, no applicants, no demand, no legitimate supply.
And, I really don't believe I spent this much time on a petty little whining
snip-and-snipe delusional asshole who doesn't have a listen switch.
Here's the bottom line : I'm the "original poster" or "OP", thus it is
unlikely that anyone would really subscribe to your averments of stalking.
You wrote it and you lose. Self-fulfilling? Go figure...
Nice k0okgasm.
John "C"
2007-06-30 20:46:24 UTC
Post by ah
Consider yourself lucky that I'd allow you to lie at my feet
Old "ah" still has a few dance steps left in him:

