(too old to reply)
Teh Ghost of PJR
2005-07-19 11:57:38 UTC
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 22:56:20 -0600, Hatchetmama
Looks like like I'll be posting the next AUK ballot. My lackee Peter is
no longer with us.
You left alt.tasteless out of the groups...
Seriously, has anyone heard from PJR?
Seriously, Kali.
I tried to contact him.
He's never not returned my email.
He hasn't answered.
He isn't on any of the lists of confirmed dead or missing.
Thank you.
I'll email his g/f.
Hah! She doesn't care. She's been posting to Usenet all week and
didn't even attend my memorial service!

Since passing over to the other side, I've been finding it difficult
to connect to Usenet, but, in compensation, the Remote Viewing is
easier than ever. (Note to HM: if you don't put some clothes on you'll
catch cold.)

Fmpmfpmpp fmpmpppmfmpppfmmfpppfpppmpp pmfmffpppmpp ppffmfmfmmfpfmp
fmpppf mmpmpp mffpppfmmfmpmmmpmfpmfmppmpm ppfppp
Fmpmfpfmfpfffmmmpmmmmffm ppmppfpffpppmffpppmfm, mmmmpffmpmpppff
fppmfpmffmmfmfp Mff'pmfpmf mmpmpp mmpmmmmmfpmp fmpppf fmmppmmmmmmfpmp
Fmmfmpmppfpmmpp/Ppfpfffpmmffpmfpmfmpp mmmpffppffmfpppmpm mpfppfpff
mmfpmfmmmmffppmmffpppmfm Mff fppmmmfmm mpmmppmmmmpm, pmmfmffmmfmp
mmmfmm Mff pfmpffmppmpmmffmmffmpmppmpm.

PJR (currently haunting VMOD's computer) :-)

[groups I infested in life added]
Teh Czar ov All Teh Flonkers
2005-07-19 13:44:51 UTC
It was a dark and stormy night in alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, when
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
In article, posted 14 Jul 2005, Phoenix VoteWrangler says...
Looks like like I'll be posting the next AUK ballot. My lackee Peter
is no longer with us.
You left alt.tasteless out of the groups...
Seriously, has anyone heard from PJR?
Seriously, Kali.
I tried to contact him.
He's never not returned my email.
He hasn't answered.
He isn't on any of the lists of confirmed dead or missing.
Thank you.
I'll email his g/f.
Hah! She doesn't care. She's been posting to Usenet all week and
didn't even attend my memorial service!
Well, it's good to see you didn't let a little thing like an explosive and
fiery death stop you.
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
Since passing over to the other side, I've been finding it difficult
to connect to Usenet, but, in compensation, the Remote Viewing is
easier than ever. (Note to HM: if you don't put some clothes on you'll
catch cold.)
OK, I really, really need to know this: Would I be having a great deal of
fun giving her that spanking in person? The one I'm virtually giving her,
that is.
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
Fmpmfpmpp fmpmpppmfmpppfmmfpppfpppmpp pmfmffpppmpp ppffmfmfmmfpfmp
fmpppf mmpmpp mffpppfmmfmpmmmpmfpmfmppmpm ppfppp
Fmpmfpfmfpfffmmmpmmmmffm ppmppfpffpppmffpppmfm, mmmmpffmpmpppff
fppmfpmffmmfmfp Mff'pmfpmf mmpmpp mmpmmmmmfpmp fmpppf fmmppmmmmmmfpmp
Fmmfmpmppfpmmpp/Ppfpfffpmmffpmfpmfmpp mmmpffppffmfpppmpm mpfppfpff
mmfpmfmmmmffppmmffpppmfm Mff fppmmmfmm mpmmppmmmmpm, pmmfmffmmfmp
mmmfmm Mff pfmpffmppmpmmffmmffmpmppmpm.
Can someone decode this?
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
PJR (currently haunting VMOD's computer) :-)
That's probably for the best.
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
[groups I infested in life added]
<AFS added because I need to start using it, after all these years>
Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!! Kallisti!!!
Lola Stonewall Riot
2001 RADW Bitch of the Year, ADRIC Awards (by acclamation); mhm 29x21; Tom
Baker's #1 Fan; Flonk Leader #2 & #11 1/9; S.N.A.R.K.Y.: Synthetic
Networked Android Responsible for Killing and Yardwork; the Discordian
People's Most Powerful and Revered Being (without portfolio); Demon of
Mockery and Silliness, Demon Lord of Confusion, Demon Prince of Absurdity;
Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition; Lola, called Snarky, Queen of
the Snarks of Ærisia; Queen of Rice; TransWench; Ship's Chaos Demon, Bad
Ship BetNoirian; The God of Odd Statements; Dr. L. C. Snark, Professor of
Philosophy, Critical Theory (Liberal Arts and Contemporary Studies),
Mockery, Silliness, Confusion, Absurdity, Chaos, & General Mayhem, Centre
For Xena Studies; The God-Fairy-Demon Snark; The Black Goat With A Thousand
Young; Pope Snarky Goodfella of the undulating cable, JM, CK, POEE,
KOTHASK, GGGHD, MWFA, HCNB, CPFG, CEM; Superfaggot; Canadian Popular Front
for the Whitetail Jihad; Wearer of the Holy FAGGOT Hat; Sec'y, Int'l
Homosexual Conspiracy; Treasurer, Int'l Anarchist Conspiracy; Czar of all
the Flonkers; Mastermind of the SMOF; allegedly The Worst Kind Of Feminist;
Chas. E. Pemberton
ICQ: 135930147; popesnarkyatwitchnetdotorg or
Quotable quotes:
"Three OS's from corporate-kings in their towers of glass,
Seven from valley-lords where orchards used to grow,
Nine from dotcoms doomed to die,
One from the Dark Lord Gates on his dark throne
In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie.
One OS to rule them all, One OS to find them,
One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, In the Land of
Redmond where the Shadows lie."'

"Oh, and Snarky, if you're listening: Fuck you, Asshole! Enjoy the few
remaining days of your internet access." -- Kooky troll John Long gets
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
Well, gee, coming from an asshole like *you* ...
ESAD, ya 'ho bitch.
Please to be posting proof, you facile fridgemagnet.
-- replied the Aussie rapier, aka fnord/Affinity, in a now-lost message

"I have a dream...that one day the whole world will know the joy of my
nipples!" -- Stimpy

"Bad stories are bad stories. We just call them as they are." -- DBurns
demonstrates his sheer cluelessness in a now lost Message-ID

"Gabrielle?! Monkey-man, you bring her back! You know, you two are beginning
to irritate me with these obsessions of yours! Fish don?t just catch
themselves!" -- Xena, "Fins, Femmes, & Gems" (64/318)

"The meek shall inherit the earth -- 2' x ~6' x 6' of it."

"Bernadette, you ignorant oaf.
Bernadette, you brainless dullard.
Bernadette, you feeble-minded wag.
Bernadette, you blathering baboon.
Bernadette, you babbling boor.
Bernadette, you depraved dolt.
Bernadette, you stinking slimeball.
Bernadette, you yammering yak.
Bernadette, you lily-livered lush.
Bernadette, you hard-hearted hulk."
-- Mother Be Strange gets very hard on herself, in
another lost Message-ID

"If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for these
U-nited States!" -- Sen. Helms, in a senate floor debate over bilingual

"*Yahoo! stinks* is pretty much axiomatic..." -- Me.

"The policeman isn't there to create disorder, the policeman is there to
preserve disorder" -- Mayor Richard Daley of Czechago, September 23, 1968

"Moral: it's not a plot hole if two eyes and two brain cells can solve it."
-- Keith Goodnight, in atbvs, on NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002
16:46:02 EDT

"Kung fu's useful!"
Robb >
2005-07-19 13:40:01 UTC
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 22:56:20 -0600, Hatchetmama
Looks like like I'll be posting the next AUK ballot. My lackee Peter is
no longer with us.
You left alt.tasteless out of the groups...
Seriously, has anyone heard from PJR?
Seriously, Kali.
I tried to contact him.
He's never not returned my email.
He hasn't answered.
He isn't on any of the lists of confirmed dead or missing.
Thank you.
I'll email his g/f.
Hah! She doesn't care. She's been posting to Usenet all week and
didn't even attend my memorial service!
Since passing over to the other side, I've been finding it difficult
to connect to Usenet, but, in compensation, the Remote Viewing is
easier than ever. (Note to HM: if you don't put some clothes on you'll
catch cold.)
Fmpmfpmpp fmpmpppmfmpppfmmfpppfpppmpp pmfmffpppmpp ppffmfmfmmfpfmp
fmpppf mmpmpp mffpppfmmfmpmmmpmfpmfmppmpm ppfppp
Fmpmfpfmfpfffmmmpmmmmffm ppmppfpffpppmffpppmfm, mmmmpffmpmpppff
fppmfpmffmmfmfp Mff'pmfpmf mmpmpp mmpmmmmmfpmp fmpppf fmmppmmmmmmfpmp
Fmmfmpmppfpmmpp/Ppfpfffpmmffpmfpmfmpp mmmpffppffmfpppmpm mpfppfpff
mmfpmfmmmmffppmmffpppmfm Mff fppmmmfmm mpmmppmmmmpm, pmmfmffmmfmp
mmmfmm Mff pfmpffmppmpmmffmmffmpmppmpm
Mfmmppmppfmm pmmfmffmmfmp fppmfpmmmfmp Mff pppmppmppmpm ppmppfpffmpp
mpmmppmmmmpm mmffmffmmfmpppfppmmpppfffmm!

Mfpmppffm FmpMfmppfPfmPmmPff fppmfpmffpmfmpp ffmppffmf'pffmpp fmpmfpmpppffmpp
fppmffpmfpmf ffmppffmf mmmfmmpmp
Fmpmppmfp Mfmppffmmfmpffmfmm ppfmpf Fpmmpppppfmpfmfpffmpp
Mmfmmmpfmmfffmpmmmpmfmfffmmfmpfmm mffmpf Mff'ppm mfmppfmffpppmfm
fmpppf mfmmppfmp mmmpppffm ppmppfpppmppffm?,, mmmpppmpm mmmpffmpp fmpmfpmpp
Mmpmppmmmfmppmfmppfmm mfmppfmffpppmfm
fmpppf mfmmppfmp mmpmmmmmfpmp fmpppfmfmmppfmpmfpmpppff fmpppfppf, ppmffm
ppmppfpppmppffm'fmm ppfppp Fmmpff. Pmmppfmfpppp
mmpmppmffpppmfm fmpmfpmpp pppmppfpffmp ppmmmmppp ppffmffmp/fmfpfm.
K. A. Cannon
2005-07-19 15:13:49 UTC
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 22:56:20 -0600, Hatchetmama
Looks like like I'll be posting the next AUK ballot. My lackee Peter is
no longer with us.
You left alt.tasteless out of the groups...
Seriously, has anyone heard from PJR?
Seriously, Kali.
I tried to contact him.
He's never not returned my email.
He hasn't answered.
He isn't on any of the lists of confirmed dead or missing.
Thank you.
I'll email his g/f.
Hah! She doesn't care. She's been posting to Usenet all week and
didn't even attend my memorial service!
I was there...didn't you see me?
I was in the white suit.
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
Since passing over to the other side, I've been finding it difficult
to connect to Usenet, but, in compensation, the Remote Viewing is
easier than ever. (Note to HM: if you don't put some clothes on you'll
catch cold.)
Please set your remote viewer on "stun".
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
Fmpmfpmpp fmpmpppmfmpppfmmfpppfpppmpp pmfmffpppmpp ppffmfmfmmfpfmp
fmpppf mmpmpp mffpppfmmfmpmmmpmfpmfmppmpm ppfppp
Fmpmfpfmfpfffmmmpmmmmffm ppmppfpffpppmffpppmfm, mmmmpffmpmpppff
fppmfpmffmmfmfp Mff'pmfpmf mmpmpp mmpmmmmmfpmp fmpppf fmmppmmmmmmfpmp
Fmmfmpmppfpmmpp/Ppfpfffpmmffpmfpmfmpp mmmpffppffmfpppmpm mpfppfpff
mmfpmfmmmmffppmmffpppmfm Mff fppmmmfmm mpmmppmmmmpm, pmmfmffmmfmp
mmmfmm Mff pfmpffmppmpmmffmmffmpmppmpm.
Being Dead agree with you.
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
PJR (currently haunting VMOD's computer) :-)
[groups I infested in life added]
Apropos choice of wordage - infest.

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

HAMMER OF THOR Winner - April 2005

Spirituality: The last refuge of a failed human.
Just another way of distracting yourself from who you really are.
2005-07-19 18:52:20 UTC
Message i.d.:<news:***@4ax.com>,
by author Teh Ghost of PJR aka <***@NOSPAMkookbusters.org> inspired
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
Since passing over to the other side, I've been finding it difficult
to connect to Usenet, but, in compensation, the Remote Viewing is
easier than ever. (Note to HM: if you don't put some clothes on
you'll catch cold.)
Seriously, how's Canada?

BTW you furgot to set the correct timezone.
- hint: minus 5 hours and 100 years-
d:Johan; Certifiable me

By replying to this message you agree to the regulations written
on the back of this posting.
2005-07-19 19:05:19 UTC
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 22:56:20 -0600, Hatchetmama
Looks like like I'll be posting the next AUK ballot. My lackee Peter is
no longer with us.
You left alt.tasteless out of the groups...
Seriously, has anyone heard from PJR?
Seriously, Kali.
I tried to contact him.
He's never not returned my email.
He hasn't answered.
He isn't on any of the lists of confirmed dead or missing.
Thank you.
I'll email his g/f.
Hah! She doesn't care. She's been posting to Usenet all week and
didn't even attend my memorial service!
welcome to the real world ;)
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
Since passing over to the other side, I've been finding it difficult
to connect to Usenet, but, in compensation, the Remote Viewing is
easier than ever. (Note to HM: if you don't put some clothes on you'll
catch cold.)
Fmpmfpmpp fmpmpppmfmpppfmmfpppfpppmpp pmfmffpppmpp ppffmfmfmmfpfmp
fmpppf mmpmpp mffpppfmmfmpmmmpmfpmfmppmpm ppfppp
Fmpmfpfmfpfffmmmpmmmmffm ppmppfpffpppmffpppmfm, mmmmpffmpmpppff
fppmfpmffmmfmfp Mff'pmfpmf mmpmpp mmpmmmmmfpmp fmpppf fmmppmmmmmmfpmp
Fmmfmpmppfpmmpp/Ppfpfffpmmffpmfpmfmpp mmmpffppffmfpppmpm mpfppfpff
mmfpmfmmmmffppmmffpppmfm Mff fppmmmfmm mpmmppmmmmpm, pmmfmffmmfmp
mmmfmm Mff pfmpffmppmpmmffmmffmpmppmpm.
Fmpmfpfmfpfffmmmpmmmmffm ppmppfpffpppmffpppmfm, mmmmpffmpmpppff
fppmfpmffmmfmfp Mff'pmfpmf mmpmpp mmpmmmmmfpmp fmpppf fmmppmmmmmmfpmp
Fmmfmpmppfpmmpp/Ppfpfffpmmffpmfpmfmpp mmmpffppffmfpppmpm mpfppfpff
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
PJR (currently haunting VMOD's computer) :-)
[groups I infested in life added]
good to see you back
your fanbois will be delighted ;)

<living dead penis hugs to PJR>
Noodles Jefferson
2005-07-19 20:10:17 UTC
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 22:56:20 -0600, Hatchetmama
Looks like like I'll be posting the next AUK ballot. My lackee Peter is
no longer with us.
You left alt.tasteless out of the groups...
Seriously, has anyone heard from PJR?
Seriously, Kali.
I tried to contact him.
He's never not returned my email.
He hasn't answered.
He isn't on any of the lists of confirmed dead or missing.
Thank you.
I'll email his g/f.
Hah! She doesn't care. She's been posting to Usenet all week and
didn't even attend my memorial service!
Women. Whadda ya gonna do.
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
Since passing over to the other side, I've been finding it difficult
to connect to Usenet, but, in compensation, the Remote Viewing is
easier than ever. (Note to HM: if you don't put some clothes on you'll
catch cold.)
Fmpmfpmpp fmpmpppmfmpppfmmfpppfpppmpp pmfmffpppmpp ppffmfmfmmfpfmp
fmpppf mmpmpp mffpppfmmfmpmmmpmfpmfmppmpm ppfppp
Fmpmfpfmfpfffmmmpmmmmffm ppmppfpffpppmffpppmfm, mmmmpffmpmpppff
fppmfpmffmmfmfp Mff'pmfpmf mmpmpp mmpmmmmmfpmp fmpppf fmmppmmmmmmfpmp
Fmmfmpmppfpmmpp/Ppfpfffpmmffpmfpmfmpp mmmpffppffmfpppmpm mpfppfpff
mmfpmfmmmmffppmmffpppmfm Mff fppmmmfmm mpmmppmmmmpm, pmmfmffmmfmp
mmmfmm Mff pfmpffmppmpmmffmmffmpmppmpm.
PJR (currently haunting VMOD's computer) :-)
[groups I infested in life added]
Noodles Jefferson
mhm31x9 Smeeter#29 WSD#30
sTaRShInE_mOOnBeAm aT HoTmAil dOt CoM

"Our earth is degenerate in these latter days, bribery and corruption
are common, children no longer obey their parents and the end of the
world is evidently approaching."
--Assyrian clay tablet 2800 B.C.
Chadwick Stone©
2005-07-20 19:54:03 UTC
X-No-Archive: YES
Teh Ghost of PJR has offered into testimony
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 22:56:20 -0600, Hatchetmama
In article
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 20:12:09 -0500, Kali
In article
Jul 2005 01:12:19 +0200, Phoenix
Looks like like I'll be posting the next AUK ballot.
My lackee Peter is no longer with us.
You left alt.tasteless out of the groups...
Seriously, has anyone heard from PJR?
Seriously, Kali.
I tried to contact him.
He's never not returned my email.
He hasn't answered.
He isn't on any of the lists of confirmed dead or
Thank you.
I'll email his g/f.
Hah! She doesn't care. She's been posting to Usenet all
week and didn't even attend my memorial service!
Since passing over to the other side, I've been finding
it difficult to connect to Usenet, but, in compensation,
the Remote Viewing is easier than ever. (Note to HM: if
you don't put some clothes on you'll catch cold.)
Fmpmfpmpp fmpmpppmfmpppfmmfpppfpppmpp pmfmffpppmpp
ppffmfmfmmfpfmp fmpppf mmpmpp mffpppfmmfmpmmmpmfpmfmppmpm
ppfppp Fmpmfpfmfpfffmmmpmmmmffm ppmppfpffpppmffpppmfm,
mmmmpffmpmpppff fppmfpmffmmfmfp Mff'pmfpmf mmpmpp
mmpmmmmmfpmp fmpppf fmmppmmmmmmfpmp
Fmmfmpmppfpmmpp/Ppfpfffpmmffpmfpmfmpp mmmpffppffmfpppmpm
mpfppfpff mmfpmfmmmmffppmmffpppmfm Mff fppmmmfmm
mpmmppmmmmpm, pmmfmffmmfmp mmmfmm Mff
Mff fppppffmfpmfmpm mfpppfpfmmpp fmpmfpmmmfmp mfffmp'fmm mmm MpmFmmPmf
mmmpppmpm pppppffmp mmm mpfmffmpffmpffm-fmmmfffpf-pmp.
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
PJR (currently haunting VMOD's computer) :-)
Hey, it's good to have a hobby ;)
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
[groups I infested in life added]
Chadwick Stone©

Formerly the AFA-B Sovereign Sockpuppet©
March 2005, Hammer of Thor recipient
No longer anonymous but still immune
Usenet's most helpful netizen

SovereignSockpuppet at Yahoo dot com
Benevolent Order of the Pointy Stick
Skepticult® ID: 581-00504-208
A mean and nasty bastard
I am the New World Order
2005-07-21 01:09:48 UTC
Post by Chadwick Stone©
X-No-Archive: YES
Teh Ghost of PJR has offered into testimony
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 22:56:20 -0600, Hatchetmama
In article
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 20:12:09 -0500, Kali
In article
Jul 2005 01:12:19 +0200, Phoenix
Looks like like I'll be posting the next AUK ballot.
My lackee Peter is no longer with us.
You left alt.tasteless out of the groups...
Seriously, has anyone heard from PJR?
Seriously, Kali.
I tried to contact him.
He's never not returned my email.
He hasn't answered.
He isn't on any of the lists of confirmed dead or
Thank you.
I'll email his g/f.
Hah! She doesn't care. She's been posting to Usenet all
week and didn't even attend my memorial service!
Since passing over to the other side, I've been finding
it difficult to connect to Usenet, but, in compensation,
the Remote Viewing is easier than ever. (Note to HM: if
you don't put some clothes on you'll catch cold.)
Fmpmfpmpp fmpmpppmfmpppfmmfpppfpppmpp pmfmffpppmpp
ppffmfmfmmfpfmp fmpppf mmpmpp mffpppfmmfmpmmmpmfpmfmppmpm
ppfppp Fmpmfpfmfpfffmmmpmmmmffm ppmppfpffpppmffpppmfm,
mmmmpffmpmpppff fppmfpmffmmfmfp Mff'pmfpmf mmpmpp
mmpmmmmmfpmp fmpppf fmmppmmmmmmfpmp
Fmmfmpmppfpmmpp/Ppfpfffpmmffpmfpmfmpp mmmpffppffmfpppmpm
mpfppfpff mmfpmfmmmmffppmmffpppmfm Mff fppmmmfmm
mpmmppmmmmpm, pmmfmffmmfmp mmmfmm Mff
Mff fppppffmfpmfmpm mfpppfpfmmpp fmpmfpmmmfmp mfffmp'fmm mmm MpmFmmPmf
mmmpppmpm pppppffmp mmm mpfmffmpffmpffm-fmmmfffpf-pmp.
Fppppffmp mmmmmpppffmffmp mpfmffmmppffmpp?
Post by Chadwick Stone©
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
PJR (currently haunting VMOD's computer) :-)
Hey, it's good to have a hobby ;)
Post by Teh Ghost of PJR
[groups I infested in life added]
ah has crossed the Rubicon...