*** MAJOR FOAM ALERT *** Re: Stupidity, thy name is kookologistkook
(too old to reply)
Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-06 23:43:10 UTC
miguel <***@gmail.com> Thou cap of all fools alive. Thou art
melancholy without cause. Thou hot-headed foolish compounded clay-man.
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you do
experience real life damage to your career and reputation, I hope
that the person responsible for it is prosecuted to the full
extent of the law. What I don't want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension problems. I
never *accused* him. I considered a post of his suspicious, and
copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me as a
person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something that
didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the actions
taken but a bunch of people that participate on Usenet. This has
gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back at
someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never done
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your (admittedly
limited) participation in the google stacking efforts, you have some
influence here that certainly cannot be denied. Two sources suggest
that you are schtupping one of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you
certainly must have some influence with him, and his comrade Sean as
well. One of these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the
fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim should be
required. However, a source equally eminent, but for reasons of his
capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the
schtupping nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use some of
that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the details
for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to do is
to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that has some
potential for real life consequences for all parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill knows
that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If any other
kookologists would like to be added to this lits, please let me know.
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for the
last week with respect to the forged email sent to your colleagues.
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being the
self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble, and whatever
other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd ask if the greater
kookologistkook principle at stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe
slap yourself in the forehead and curse yourself for having been such
a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some interest. If
the information posted is correct, and you've made progress, I applaud
you. Is it true? You were a victim in your childhood, and now as an
adult and alpha bitch of AUK you celebrate your capacity to victimize
the weak and infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly immoral
thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting and
kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't Formosable
and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't currently
Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to become
Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally
fucked up is that?
Thus, it's no surprise that you can't do the smart thing here.
Likewise, the remaining members of your kookologistkook gang are
probably suffering from equally substantial psychological afflictions
of one kind or another. Rick Mather is off his fucking nut. It's
actually painful to read his posts now. The best I can do is skim them
briefly and cringe for him. Clayton McGill is, I'm guessing, the one
Charlotte believes can't let go. Clayton can't work. He can't
accomplish anything in meatspace. Of course he can't let go, because
the sense of power and belonging he derives from his delusional view
of himself on usenet is all that he has. I don't know what Vince's and
Sean's issues might be, but there must be something there, inasmuch as
neither of them can stomach the thought of negotiating a truce
because, as Vince put it, it would be utterly humiliating to AUK to do
So let's at least be clear here. When I offer you and your
kookologistkook friends a truce, I do not expect any of you to
negotiate. In fact, I expect you will escalate instead, which is what
you've done in each instance I've made any such offer.
The gain for me is that people I like and respect, like Charlotte, get
a chance to see that I'm capable of acting in good faith. People like
Leyland and others who've unsubbed from AUK get to see what kooks you
all are. Your group is damaged to some extent. More of the smarter,
more decent people will ultimately leave, and the Rick Mathers and
Clayton McGills will remain.
And I get to watch you, and people like you, behave in ways that can
be rationally explained only by assuming significant mental illness.
All you can do in response is increase your kooky real lifing efforts
or nominate me for more of your silly awards.
Does that about cover it?
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org
Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-06 23:50:38 UTC
miguel <***@gmail.com> Thou lunatic. Thou barrel-scraping, churlish
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed, parasite-infested
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you do
experience real life damage to your career and reputation, I
hope that the person responsible for it is prosecuted to the
full extent of the law. What I don't want to see is someone
Here's another example of your reading comprehension problems. I
never *accused* him. I considered a post of his suspicious, and
copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me as
a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something that
didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on Usenet.
This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back at
someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never done
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your (admittedly
limited) participation in the google stacking efforts, you have
some influence here that certainly cannot be denied. Two sources
suggest that you are schtupping one of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and
you certainly must have some influence with him, and his comrade
Sean as well. One of these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright,
one of the fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim
should be required. However, a source equally eminent, but for
reasons of his capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky,
confirms the schtupping nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use some
of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the details
for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to do
is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that has some
potential for real life consequences for all parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill knows
that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If any other
kookologists would like to be added to this lits, please let me
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get you're
training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for the
last week with respect to the forged email sent to your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being the
self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble, and
whatever other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd ask if
the greater kookologistkook principle at stake is really worth it.
And you'd maybe slap yourself in the forehead and curse yourself
for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some interest.
If the information posted is correct, and you've made progress, I
applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim in your childhood, and
now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK you celebrate your capacity
to victimize the weak and infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting and
kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't
Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't
currently Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to
become Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How
totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org
Bob Officer
2007-04-07 00:11:50 UTC
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed, parasite-infested
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you do
experience real life damage to your career and reputation, I
hope that the person responsible for it is prosecuted to the
full extent of the law. What I don't want to see is someone
Here's another example of your reading comprehension problems. I
never *accused* him. I considered a post of his suspicious, and
copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me as
a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something that
didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on Usenet.
This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back at
someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never done
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your (admittedly
limited) participation in the google stacking efforts, you have
some influence here that certainly cannot be denied. Two sources
suggest that you are schtupping one of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and
you certainly must have some influence with him, and his comrade
Sean as well. One of these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright,
one of the fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim
should be required. However, a source equally eminent, but for
reasons of his capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky,
confirms the schtupping nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use some
of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the details
for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to do
is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that has some
potential for real life consequences for all parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill knows
that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If any other
kookologists would like to be added to this lits, please let me
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get you're
training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for the
last week with respect to the forged email sent to your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being the
self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble, and
whatever other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd ask if
the greater kookologistkook principle at stake is really worth it.
And you'd maybe slap yourself in the forehead and curse yourself
for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some interest.
If the information posted is correct, and you've made progress, I
applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim in your childhood, and
now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK you celebrate your capacity
to victimize the weak and infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting and
kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't
Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't
currently Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to
become Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How
totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...

/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points magazine
at his ear...

Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-07 02:55:58 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed, parasite-infested
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you
do experience real life damage to your career and reputation,
I hope that the person responsible for it is prosecuted to the
full extent of the law. What I don't want to see is someone
Here's another example of your reading comprehension problems.
I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his suspicious,
and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me
as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back
at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never
done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot be
denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one of the
FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some influence
with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of these sources
is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition,
and no confirmation of his claim should be required. However, a
source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity for
shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping
nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use some
of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to
do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that
has some potential for real life consequences for all parties
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for
the last week with respect to the forged email sent to your
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being
the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble, and
whatever other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd ask if
the greater kookologistkook principle at stake is really worth it.
And you'd maybe slap yourself in the forehead and curse yourself
for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some interest.
If the information posted is correct, and you've made progress, I
applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim in your childhood, and
now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK you celebrate your capacity
to victimize the weak and infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting
and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't
Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't
currently Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to
become Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How
totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points magazine
at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org
2007-04-07 03:21:14 UTC
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed, parasite-infested
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you
do experience real life damage to your career and reputation,
I hope that the person responsible for it is prosecuted to the
full extent of the law. What I don't want to see is someone
Here's another example of your reading comprehension problems.
I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his suspicious,
and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me
as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back
at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never
done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot be
denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one of the
FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some influence
with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of these sources
is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition,
and no confirmation of his claim should be required. However, a
source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity for
shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping
nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use some
of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to
do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that
has some potential for real life consequences for all parties
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for
the last week with respect to the forged email sent to your
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being
the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble, and
whatever other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd ask if
the greater kookologistkook principle at stake is really worth it.
And you'd maybe slap yourself in the forehead and curse yourself
for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some interest.
If the information posted is correct, and you've made progress, I
applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim in your childhood, and
now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK you celebrate your capacity
to victimize the weak and infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting
and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't
Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't
currently Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to
become Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How
totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points magazine
at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-07 04:04:08 UTC
Aratzio <***@sneakemail.com> Thou frantic-fool. Thou bankrupt,
rump-fed lousy footboy. Thou bitch-wolf's son. I think ye be transformed
into a beast; for I can nowhere find like thee a man. Ye fudged
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou bed-swerver. Ye
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you
do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his
suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me
as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back
at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never
done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot be
denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one of the
FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some influence
with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of these sources
is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition,
and no confirmation of his claim should be required. However,
a source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity for
shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping
nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use
some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to
do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that
has some potential for real life consequences for all parties
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for
the last week with respect to the forged email sent to your
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being
the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble,
and whatever other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd
ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at stake is really
worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in the forehead and
curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've made
progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim in your
childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK you
celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and infirm? Is
that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting
and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't
Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't
currently Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to
become Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How
totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
Don't laugh. I used to work in a sup3r sekrit guided weapons electronics
facility. The warhead testing area consisted of a number of concrete
shelters sitting atop a grassy hill and a handful of cavernous underground
test bunkers. When a warhead went off underground you could actually watch
the shock waves travel through the grass like huge ripples on a pond. An
awesome sight. Even more awesome was the fact that electronically delayed
bunker-buster warhead detonators were hoist up on a tower and dropped, cone
down, from a great height inside the concrete test buildings. The concrete
buildings had massively thick reinforced glass built into the solid walls so
you could actually watch the warhead detonators going off not a few feet in
front of you.

Needless to say I spent more time watching the detonators go off than I did
watching the rippling grass expand outward from the epicentre of the
underground warhead explosions.

If I tell you any more than that I'll have to kill you.

Have I ever told you what just two 20mm depleted uranium Phalanx rounds can
do to several inch thick titanium-tungsten explosive reactive armour?

It makes a bloody mess. The rest isn't worth dying for.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org
2007-04-07 04:24:39 UTC
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:49:08 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
rump-fed lousy footboy. Thou bitch-wolf's son. I think ye be transformed
into a beast; for I can nowhere find like thee a man. Ye fudged
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou bed-swerver. Ye
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you
do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his
suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me
as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back
at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never
done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot be
denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one of the
FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some influence
with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of these sources
is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition,
and no confirmation of his claim should be required. However,
a source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity for
shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping
nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use
some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to
do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that
has some potential for real life consequences for all parties
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for
the last week with respect to the forged email sent to your
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being
the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble,
and whatever other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd
ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at stake is really
worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in the forehead and
curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've made
progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim in your
childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK you
celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and infirm? Is
that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting
and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't
Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't
currently Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to
become Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How
totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
Don't laugh. I used to work in a sup3r sekrit guided weapons electronics
facility. The warhead testing area consisted of a number of concrete
shelters sitting atop a grassy hill and a handful of cavernous underground
test bunkers. When a warhead went off underground you could actually watch
the shock waves travel through the grass like huge ripples on a pond. An
awesome sight. Even more awesome was the fact that electronically delayed
bunker-buster warhead detonators were hoist up on a tower and dropped, cone
down, from a great height inside the concrete test buildings. The concrete
buildings had massively thick reinforced glass built into the solid walls so
you could actually watch the warhead detonators going off not a few feet in
front of you.
Needless to say I spent more time watching the detonators go off than I did
watching the rippling grass expand outward from the epicentre of the
underground warhead explosions.
If I tell you any more than that I'll have to kill you.
Have I ever told you what just two 20mm depleted uranium Phalanx rounds can
do to several inch thick titanium-tungsten explosive reactive armour?
It makes a bloody mess. The rest isn't worth dying for.
They did a test fire of the 20mm gatling gun in the tail of a B-52
once when I was playing military.

WOW that was intense. Cool thing was. They set it all up in the day
time (Mass amounts of hay bales and a nice radar target) and waited
until dark. We had a VERY cool wing commander back then. Figured, what
the hell, lets make it a show. Shut down the flightline and the
runway. Hell of a show.

So I know what 20mm will do to hay bales. I don't think the 20mm the
b52 fired were DU rounds. Pretty sure they were copper jacket and
tracer rounds.
Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-07 04:33:29 UTC
Aratzio <***@sneakemail.com> Thou pondweed. Why, this have not a
fingers decency. Thou kindless villain. Thou foul stigmatic. Ye spilled
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:49:08 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
rump-fed lousy footboy. Thou bitch-wolf's son. I think ye be
transformed into a beast; for I can nowhere find like thee a man. Ye
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if
you do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his
suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified
me as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him.
He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to
get back at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I
have never done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot
be denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one
of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some
influence with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of
these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the
fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim
should be required. However, a source equally eminent, but
for reasons of his capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill
aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping nature of your
friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use
some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends
to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything
that has some potential for real life consequences for all
parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been
for the last week with respect to the forged email sent to
your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you might
feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at
stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in
the forehead and curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim
in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK
you celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and infirm?
Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's
kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking
those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking
those who aren't currently Formosable, you are in effect
trying to drive them to become Formosable. And you are
pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
Don't laugh. I used to work in a sup3r sekrit guided weapons
electronics facility. The warhead testing area consisted of a number
of concrete shelters sitting atop a grassy hill and a handful of
cavernous underground test bunkers. When a warhead went off
underground you could actually watch the shock waves travel through
the grass like huge ripples on a pond. An awesome sight. Even more
awesome was the fact that electronically delayed bunker-buster
warhead detonators were hoist up on a tower and dropped, cone down,
from a great height inside the concrete test buildings. The concrete
buildings had massively thick reinforced glass built into the solid
walls so you could actually watch the warhead detonators going off
not a few feet in front of you.
Needless to say I spent more time watching the detonators go off
than I did watching the rippling grass expand outward from the
epicentre of the underground warhead explosions.
If I tell you any more than that I'll have to kill you.
Have I ever told you what just two 20mm depleted uranium Phalanx
rounds can do to several inch thick titanium-tungsten explosive
reactive armour?
It makes a bloody mess. The rest isn't worth dying for.
They did a test fire of the 20mm gatling gun in the tail of a B-52
once when I was playing military.
WOW that was intense. Cool thing was. They set it all up in the day
time (Mass amounts of hay bales and a nice radar target) and waited
until dark. We had a VERY cool wing commander back then. Figured, what
the hell, lets make it a show. Shut down the flightline and the
runway. Hell of a show.
So I know what 20mm will do to hay bales. I don't think the 20mm the
b52 fired were DU rounds. Pretty sure they were copper jacket and
tracer rounds.
I like fireworks :)
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org
Bob Officer
2007-04-07 10:40:46 UTC
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:18:29 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
fingers decency. Thou kindless villain. Thou foul stigmatic. Ye spilled
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:49:08 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
rump-fed lousy footboy. Thou bitch-wolf's son. I think ye be
transformed into a beast; for I can nowhere find like thee a man. Ye
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if
you do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his
suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified
me as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him.
He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to
get back at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I
have never done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot
be denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one
of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some
influence with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of
these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the
fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim
should be required. However, a source equally eminent, but
for reasons of his capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill
aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping nature of your
friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use
some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends
to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything
that has some potential for real life consequences for all
parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been
for the last week with respect to the forged email sent to
your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you might
feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at
stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in
the forehead and curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim
in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK
you celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and infirm?
Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's
kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking
those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking
those who aren't currently Formosable, you are in effect
trying to drive them to become Formosable. And you are
pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
Don't laugh. I used to work in a sup3r sekrit guided weapons
electronics facility. The warhead testing area consisted of a number
of concrete shelters sitting atop a grassy hill and a handful of
cavernous underground test bunkers. When a warhead went off
underground you could actually watch the shock waves travel through
the grass like huge ripples on a pond. An awesome sight. Even more
awesome was the fact that electronically delayed bunker-buster
warhead detonators were hoist up on a tower and dropped, cone down,
from a great height inside the concrete test buildings. The concrete
buildings had massively thick reinforced glass built into the solid
walls so you could actually watch the warhead detonators going off
not a few feet in front of you.
Needless to say I spent more time watching the detonators go off
than I did watching the rippling grass expand outward from the
epicentre of the underground warhead explosions.
If I tell you any more than that I'll have to kill you.
Have I ever told you what just two 20mm depleted uranium Phalanx
rounds can do to several inch thick titanium-tungsten explosive
reactive armour?
It makes a bloody mess. The rest isn't worth dying for.
They did a test fire of the 20mm gatling gun in the tail of a B-52
once when I was playing military.
WOW that was intense. Cool thing was. They set it all up in the day
time (Mass amounts of hay bales and a nice radar target) and waited
until dark. We had a VERY cool wing commander back then. Figured, what
the hell, lets make it a show. Shut down the flightline and the
runway. Hell of a show.
So I know what 20mm will do to hay bales. I don't think the 20mm the
b52 fired were DU rounds. Pretty sure they were copper jacket and
tracer rounds.
I like fireworks :)
I saw 2 SD45s pulling a 10,000 ton train, at 50mph go through a
trailer loaded with cotton bales. That was ugly...

What was funny was two GP9s hitting a truck loaded with
watermelons... At 60mph
Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-07 11:30:48 UTC
Bob Officer <***@> Thou elvish-marked. Thou
hollow-hearted friend. Thou double villain. We need no grave to bury
honesty, there's not a grain of it the face to sweeten of the whole
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:18:29 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
a fingers decency. Thou kindless villain. Thou foul stigmatic. Ye
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:49:08 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
bankrupt, rump-fed lousy footboy. Thou bitch-wolf's son. I think
ye be transformed into a beast; for I can nowhere find like thee a
man. Ye fudged
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if
you do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of
his suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You
identified me as a person you suspected of committing the
You and others from soc.singles are harping about
something that didn't happen. There was no accusation.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against
him. He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against
me to get back at someone else - not because I went RL
on him. I have never done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly
cannot be denied. Two sources suggest that you are
schtupping one of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you
certainly must have some influence with him, and his
comrade Sean as well. One of these sources is eminent --
Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition, and no
confirmation of his claim should be required. However, a
source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity
for shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the
schtupping nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so.
Use some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook
friends to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to
everything that has some potential for real life
consequences for all parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that.
Bill knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm
guessing. If any other kookologists would like to be added
to this lits, please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been
for the last week with respect to the forged email sent to
your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you might
feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at
stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in
the forehead and curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim
in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of
AUK you celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and
infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a
freakishly immoral thing it is for you to participate in
AUK's kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between
poking those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet,
by poking those who aren't currently Formosable, you are in
effect trying to drive them to become Formosable. And you
are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked up is
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
Don't laugh. I used to work in a sup3r sekrit guided weapons
electronics facility. The warhead testing area consisted of a
number of concrete shelters sitting atop a grassy hill and a
handful of cavernous underground test bunkers. When a warhead went
off underground you could actually watch the shock waves travel
through the grass like huge ripples on a pond. An awesome sight.
Even more awesome was the fact that electronically delayed
bunker-buster warhead detonators were hoist up on a tower and
dropped, cone down, from a great height inside the concrete test
buildings. The concrete buildings had massively thick reinforced
glass built into the solid walls so you could actually watch the
warhead detonators going off not a few feet in front of you.
Needless to say I spent more time watching the detonators go off
than I did watching the rippling grass expand outward from the
epicentre of the underground warhead explosions.
If I tell you any more than that I'll have to kill you.
Have I ever told you what just two 20mm depleted uranium Phalanx
rounds can do to several inch thick titanium-tungsten explosive
reactive armour?
It makes a bloody mess. The rest isn't worth dying for.
They did a test fire of the 20mm gatling gun in the tail of a B-52
once when I was playing military.
WOW that was intense. Cool thing was. They set it all up in the day
time (Mass amounts of hay bales and a nice radar target) and waited
until dark. We had a VERY cool wing commander back then. Figured,
what the hell, lets make it a show. Shut down the flightline and the
runway. Hell of a show.
So I know what 20mm will do to hay bales. I don't think the 20mm the
b52 fired were DU rounds. Pretty sure they were copper jacket and
tracer rounds.
I like fireworks :)
I saw 2 SD45s pulling a 10,000 ton train, at 50mph go through a
trailer loaded with cotton bales. That was ugly...
What was funny was two GP9s hitting a truck loaded with
watermelons... At 60mph
Lucky it wasn't a truckload of chooks.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org
Bob Officer
2007-04-07 11:45:53 UTC
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 17:15:48 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
hollow-hearted friend. Thou double villain. We need no grave to bury
honesty, there's not a grain of it the face to sweeten of the whole
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:18:29 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
a fingers decency. Thou kindless villain. Thou foul stigmatic. Ye
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:49:08 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
bankrupt, rump-fed lousy footboy. Thou bitch-wolf's son. I think
ye be transformed into a beast; for I can nowhere find like thee a
man. Ye fudged
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if
you do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of
his suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You
identified me as a person you suspected of committing the
You and others from soc.singles are harping about
something that didn't happen. There was no accusation.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against
him. He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against
me to get back at someone else - not because I went RL
on him. I have never done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly
cannot be denied. Two sources suggest that you are
schtupping one of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you
certainly must have some influence with him, and his
comrade Sean as well. One of these sources is eminent --
Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition, and no
confirmation of his claim should be required. However, a
source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity
for shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the
schtupping nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so.
Use some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook
friends to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to
everything that has some potential for real life
consequences for all parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that.
Bill knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm
guessing. If any other kookologists would like to be added
to this lits, please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been
for the last week with respect to the forged email sent to
your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you might
feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at
stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in
the forehead and curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim
in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of
AUK you celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and
infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a
freakishly immoral thing it is for you to participate in
AUK's kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between
poking those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet,
by poking those who aren't currently Formosable, you are in
effect trying to drive them to become Formosable. And you
are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked up is
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
Don't laugh. I used to work in a sup3r sekrit guided weapons
electronics facility. The warhead testing area consisted of a
number of concrete shelters sitting atop a grassy hill and a
handful of cavernous underground test bunkers. When a warhead went
off underground you could actually watch the shock waves travel
through the grass like huge ripples on a pond. An awesome sight.
Even more awesome was the fact that electronically delayed
bunker-buster warhead detonators were hoist up on a tower and
dropped, cone down, from a great height inside the concrete test
buildings. The concrete buildings had massively thick reinforced
glass built into the solid walls so you could actually watch the
warhead detonators going off not a few feet in front of you.
Needless to say I spent more time watching the detonators go off
than I did watching the rippling grass expand outward from the
epicentre of the underground warhead explosions.
If I tell you any more than that I'll have to kill you.
Have I ever told you what just two 20mm depleted uranium Phalanx
rounds can do to several inch thick titanium-tungsten explosive
reactive armour?
It makes a bloody mess. The rest isn't worth dying for.
They did a test fire of the 20mm gatling gun in the tail of a B-52
once when I was playing military.
WOW that was intense. Cool thing was. They set it all up in the day
time (Mass amounts of hay bales and a nice radar target) and waited
until dark. We had a VERY cool wing commander back then. Figured,
what the hell, lets make it a show. Shut down the flightline and the
runway. Hell of a show.
So I know what 20mm will do to hay bales. I don't think the 20mm the
b52 fired were DU rounds. Pretty sure they were copper jacket and
tracer rounds.
I like fireworks :)
I saw 2 SD45s pulling a 10,000 ton train, at 50mph go through a
trailer loaded with cotton bales. That was ugly...
What was funny was two GP9s hitting a truck loaded with
watermelons... At 60mph
Lucky it wasn't a truckload of chooks.
I seen or know of a truck load of cattle hit as 30mph
hogs --- that was about 40mph
horses... about 10mph one of those 6 horse trailers...
trucks hauling chickens (chooks)
one full of turkeys.
a Beer Truck,
Chocolate tanker truck (that was a passenger train killed the train
driver train was doing about 75mph)
Load of grapes on the way to the crusher
truck load of walnuts...
a load of lettuce,
an Ice truck,
bread truck,
a septic tank pumper's truck (yuck)

I had to look up what a chook was... :)
Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-07 11:54:24 UTC
Bob Officer <***@> Thou onion-eyed schoolboy. Thou
infected minion of the moon. Thou ye white-limed wall. Thou plebeian. Ye
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 17:15:48 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
hollow-hearted friend. Thou double villain. We need no grave to bury
honesty, there's not a grain of it the face to sweeten of the whole
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:18:29 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
not a fingers decency. Thou kindless villain. Thou foul stigmatic.
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:49:08 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
bankrupt, rump-fed lousy footboy. Thou bitch-wolf's son. I think
ye be transformed into a beast; for I can nowhere find like thee
a man. Ye fudged
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and
if you do experience real life damage to your career
and reputation, I hope that the person responsible
for it is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
What I don't want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of
his suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You
identified me as a person you suspected of committing
the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about
something that didn't happen. There was no accusation.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and
the actions taken but a bunch of people that
participate on Usenet. This has gone way too far.
Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against
him. He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against
me to get back at someone else - not because I went RL
on him. I have never done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google
stacking efforts, you have some influence here that
certainly cannot be denied. Two sources suggest that
you are schtupping one of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you
certainly must have some influence with him, and his
comrade Sean as well. One of these sources is eminent
-- Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition, and no
confirmation of his claim should be required. However, a
source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity
for shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the
schtupping nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so.
Use some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of
the details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook
friends to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to
everything that has some potential for real life
consequences for all parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that.
Bill knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm
guessing. If any other kookologists would like to be added
to this lits, please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that
too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you
get you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has
been for the last week with respect to the forged email
sent to your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you
might feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook
principle at stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe
slap yourself in the forehead and curse yourself for
having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a
victim in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha
bitch of AUK you celebrate your capacity to victimize the
weak and infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a
freakishly immoral thing it is for you to participate in
AUK's kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between
poking those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet,
by poking those who aren't currently Formosable, you are
in effect trying to drive them to become Formosable. And
you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked
up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
Don't laugh. I used to work in a sup3r sekrit guided weapons
electronics facility. The warhead testing area consisted of a
number of concrete shelters sitting atop a grassy hill and a
handful of cavernous underground test bunkers. When a warhead
went off underground you could actually watch the shock waves
travel through the grass like huge ripples on a pond. An awesome
sight. Even more awesome was the fact that electronically delayed
bunker-buster warhead detonators were hoist up on a tower and
dropped, cone down, from a great height inside the concrete test
buildings. The concrete buildings had massively thick reinforced
glass built into the solid walls so you could actually watch the
warhead detonators going off not a few feet in front of you.
Needless to say I spent more time watching the detonators go off
than I did watching the rippling grass expand outward from the
epicentre of the underground warhead explosions.
If I tell you any more than that I'll have to kill you.
Have I ever told you what just two 20mm depleted uranium Phalanx
rounds can do to several inch thick titanium-tungsten explosive
reactive armour?
It makes a bloody mess. The rest isn't worth dying for.
They did a test fire of the 20mm gatling gun in the tail of a B-52
once when I was playing military.
WOW that was intense. Cool thing was. They set it all up in the
day time (Mass amounts of hay bales and a nice radar target) and
waited until dark. We had a VERY cool wing commander back then.
Figured, what the hell, lets make it a show. Shut down the
flightline and the runway. Hell of a show.
So I know what 20mm will do to hay bales. I don't think the 20mm
the b52 fired were DU rounds. Pretty sure they were copper jacket
and tracer rounds.
I like fireworks :)
I saw 2 SD45s pulling a 10,000 ton train, at 50mph go through a
trailer loaded with cotton bales. That was ugly...
What was funny was two GP9s hitting a truck loaded with
watermelons... At 60mph
Lucky it wasn't a truckload of chooks.
I seen or know of a truck load of cattle hit as 30mph
hogs --- that was about 40mph
horses... about 10mph one of those 6 horse trailers...
trucks hauling chickens (chooks)
one full of turkeys.
a Beer Truck,
Chocolate tanker truck (that was a passenger train killed the train
driver train was doing about 75mph)
Load of grapes on the way to the crusher
truck load of walnuts...
a load of lettuce,
an Ice truck,
bread truck,
a septic tank pumper's truck (yuck)
I was once caught in a traffic jam about 30 cars back from where an open-top
slurry wagon carrying a load of sheep guts (and the slimy green contents
thereof) came out of an abattoir's gate a tad too fast and overturned. After
the truck had been lifted off the road the police started to wave people
through. For some odd reason the faces of all the policemen were also green.
Post by Bob Officer
I had to look up what a chook was... :)
Haha. Made you look.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org
Bob Officer
2007-04-07 12:33:36 UTC
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 17:39:24 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
infected minion of the moon. Thou ye white-limed wall. Thou plebeian. Ye
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 17:15:48 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
hollow-hearted friend. Thou double villain. We need no grave to bury
honesty, there's not a grain of it the face to sweeten of the whole
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:18:29 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
not a fingers decency. Thou kindless villain. Thou foul stigmatic.
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:49:08 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
bankrupt, rump-fed lousy footboy. Thou bitch-wolf's son. I think
ye be transformed into a beast; for I can nowhere find like thee
a man. Ye fudged
Post by Aratzio
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and
if you do experience real life damage to your career
and reputation, I hope that the person responsible
for it is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
What I don't want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of
his suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You
identified me as a person you suspected of committing
the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about
something that didn't happen. There was no accusation.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and
the actions taken but a bunch of people that
participate on Usenet. This has gone way too far.
Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against
him. He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against
me to get back at someone else - not because I went RL
on him. I have never done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google
stacking efforts, you have some influence here that
certainly cannot be denied. Two sources suggest that
you are schtupping one of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you
certainly must have some influence with him, and his
comrade Sean as well. One of these sources is eminent
-- Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition, and no
confirmation of his claim should be required. However, a
source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity
for shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the
schtupping nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so.
Use some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of
the details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook
friends to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to
everything that has some potential for real life
consequences for all parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that.
Bill knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm
guessing. If any other kookologists would like to be added
to this lits, please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that
too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you
get you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has
been for the last week with respect to the forged email
sent to your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you
might feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook
principle at stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe
slap yourself in the forehead and curse yourself for
having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a
victim in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha
bitch of AUK you celebrate your capacity to victimize the
weak and infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a
freakishly immoral thing it is for you to participate in
AUK's kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between
poking those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet,
by poking those who aren't currently Formosable, you are
in effect trying to drive them to become Formosable. And
you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked
up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
Don't laugh. I used to work in a sup3r sekrit guided weapons
electronics facility. The warhead testing area consisted of a
number of concrete shelters sitting atop a grassy hill and a
handful of cavernous underground test bunkers. When a warhead
went off underground you could actually watch the shock waves
travel through the grass like huge ripples on a pond. An awesome
sight. Even more awesome was the fact that electronically delayed
bunker-buster warhead detonators were hoist up on a tower and
dropped, cone down, from a great height inside the concrete test
buildings. The concrete buildings had massively thick reinforced
glass built into the solid walls so you could actually watch the
warhead detonators going off not a few feet in front of you.
Needless to say I spent more time watching the detonators go off
than I did watching the rippling grass expand outward from the
epicentre of the underground warhead explosions.
If I tell you any more than that I'll have to kill you.
Have I ever told you what just two 20mm depleted uranium Phalanx
rounds can do to several inch thick titanium-tungsten explosive
reactive armour?
It makes a bloody mess. The rest isn't worth dying for.
They did a test fire of the 20mm gatling gun in the tail of a B-52
once when I was playing military.
WOW that was intense. Cool thing was. They set it all up in the
day time (Mass amounts of hay bales and a nice radar target) and
waited until dark. We had a VERY cool wing commander back then.
Figured, what the hell, lets make it a show. Shut down the
flightline and the runway. Hell of a show.
So I know what 20mm will do to hay bales. I don't think the 20mm
the b52 fired were DU rounds. Pretty sure they were copper jacket
and tracer rounds.
I like fireworks :)
I saw 2 SD45s pulling a 10,000 ton train, at 50mph go through a
trailer loaded with cotton bales. That was ugly...
What was funny was two GP9s hitting a truck loaded with
watermelons... At 60mph
Lucky it wasn't a truckload of chooks.
I seen or know of a truck load of cattle hit as 30mph
hogs --- that was about 40mph
horses... about 10mph one of those 6 horse trailers...
trucks hauling chickens (chooks)
one full of turkeys.
a Beer Truck,
Chocolate tanker truck (that was a passenger train killed the train
driver train was doing about 75mph)
Load of grapes on the way to the crusher
truck load of walnuts...
a load of lettuce,
an Ice truck,
bread truck,
a septic tank pumper's truck (yuck)
I was once caught in a traffic jam about 30 cars back from where an open-top
slurry wagon carrying a load of sheep guts (and the slimy green contents
thereof) came out of an abattoir's gate a tad too fast and overturned. After
the truck had been lifted off the road the police started to wave people
through. For some odd reason the faces of all the policemen were also green.
Post by Bob Officer
I had to look up what a chook was... :)
Haha. Made you look.
Today, I learned something new...
Before 0300 local time...

It was a good day... eh?
Bob Officer
2007-04-07 10:32:11 UTC
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed, parasite-infested
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you
do experience real life damage to your career and reputation,
I hope that the person responsible for it is prosecuted to the
full extent of the law. What I don't want to see is someone
Here's another example of your reading comprehension problems.
I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his suspicious,
and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me
as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back
at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never
done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot be
denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one of the
FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some influence
with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of these sources
is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition,
and no confirmation of his claim should be required. However, a
source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity for
shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping
nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use some
of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to
do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that
has some potential for real life consequences for all parties
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for
the last week with respect to the forged email sent to your
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being
the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble, and
whatever other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd ask if
the greater kookologistkook principle at stake is really worth it.
And you'd maybe slap yourself in the forehead and curse yourself
for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some interest.
If the information posted is correct, and you've made progress, I
applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim in your childhood, and
now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK you celebrate your capacity
to victimize the weak and infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting
and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't
Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't
currently Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to
become Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How
totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points magazine
at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
You did, when you told me you were having memory problems...
Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-07 22:03:36 UTC
Bob Officer <***@> Thou truant. What a drunken knave
the sea was to cast thee in our way. Thou artless mad ass. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou bed-swerver. Ye
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you
do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his
suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me
as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back
at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never
done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot be
denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one of the
FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some influence
with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of these sources
is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition,
and no confirmation of his claim should be required. However,
a source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity for
shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping
nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use
some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to
do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that
has some potential for real life consequences for all parties
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for
the last week with respect to the forged email sent to your
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being
the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble,
and whatever other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd
ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at stake is really
worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in the forehead and
curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've made
progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim in your
childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK you
celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and infirm? Is
that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting
and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't
Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't
currently Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to
become Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How
totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
You did, when you told me you were having memory problems...
Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an explanation.
You can have it privately or publicly.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org
Bob Officer
2007-04-07 22:45:11 UTC
On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 03:48:36 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
the sea was to cast thee in our way. Thou artless mad ass. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou bed-swerver. Ye
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you
do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his
suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me
as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back
at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never
done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot be
denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one of the
FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some influence
with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of these sources
is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition,
and no confirmation of his claim should be required. However,
a source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity for
shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping
nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use
some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to
do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that
has some potential for real life consequences for all parties
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for
the last week with respect to the forged email sent to your
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being
the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble,
and whatever other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd
ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at stake is really
worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in the forehead and
curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've made
progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim in your
childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK you
celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and infirm? Is
that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting
and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't
Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't
currently Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to
become Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How
totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
You did, when you told me you were having memory problems...
Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an explanation.
You can have it privately or publicly.
I don't recall an offence... you can consider it done.
Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-08 02:14:22 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 03:48:36 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
the sea was to cast thee in our way. Thou artless mad ass. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if
you do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his
suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified
me as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him.
He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to
get back at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I
have never done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot
be denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one
of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some
influence with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of
these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the
fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim
should be required. However, a source equally eminent, but
for reasons of his capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill
aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping nature of your
friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use
some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends
to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything
that has some potential for real life consequences for all
parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been
for the last week with respect to the forged email sent to
your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you might
feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at
stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in
the forehead and curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim
in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK
you celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and infirm?
Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's
kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking
those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking
those who aren't currently Formosable, you are in effect
trying to drive them to become Formosable. And you are
pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
You did, when you told me you were having memory problems...
Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an
explanation. You can have it privately or publicly.
I don't recall an offence...
Oh, I do, and...
Post by Bob Officer
you can consider it done.
...it pains me to leave it undone. I will accept your magnanimous gesture
and suffer the pain instead.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org
Bob Officer
2007-04-08 02:55:55 UTC
On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 07:59:22 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 03:48:36 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
Post by Kadaitcha Man
the sea was to cast thee in our way. Thou artless mad ass. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if
you do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his
suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified
me as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him.
He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to
get back at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I
have never done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot
be denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one
of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some
influence with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of
these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the
fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim
should be required. However, a source equally eminent, but
for reasons of his capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill
aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping nature of your
friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use
some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends
to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything
that has some potential for real life consequences for all
parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been
for the last week with respect to the forged email sent to
your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you might
feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at
stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in
the forehead and curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim
in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK
you celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and infirm?
Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's
kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking
those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking
those who aren't currently Formosable, you are in effect
trying to drive them to become Formosable. And you are
pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked up is that?
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
You did, when you told me you were having memory problems...
Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an
explanation. You can have it privately or publicly.
I don't recall an offence...
Oh, I do, and...
Then if it eases you conscience, apology accepted.
Post by Kadaitcha Man
Post by Bob Officer
you can consider it done.
...it pains me to leave it undone. I will accept your magnanimous gesture
and suffer the pain instead.
please don't suffer...
Consider all prior offenses forgiven or at least forgotten...
2007-04-08 15:21:43 UTC
In <***@news.alt.net>, Kadaitcha Man
***@gmail.com said:
: Bob Officer <***@> Thou ineffectual serpent heart. Thou
: gormless secure fool. Thou crack-hemp. Thou herb woman. Ye hissed:
: > On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 03:48:36 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
: > <***@gmail.com> wrote:
: >
: >> Bob Officer <***@> Thou truant. What a drunken knave
: >> the sea was to cast thee in our way. Thou artless mad ass. Thou
: >> infectious banbury cheese. Ye penned:
: >>
: >>> On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
: >>> <***@gmail.com> wrote:
: >>>
: >>>> Bob Officer <***@> Thou unsightly riddling
: >>>> merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
: >>>> bed-swerver. Ye inflected:
: >>>>
: >>>>> On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
: >>>>> Man" <***@gmail.com> wrote:
: >>>>>
: >>>>>> miguel <***@gmail.com> Thou lunatic. Thou barrel-scraping,
: >>>>>> churlish
: >>>>>> old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
: >>>>>> parasite-infested crystal-button. Ye susurrated:
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>>> Bob Officer wrote:
: >>>>>>>> miguel wrote:
: >>>>>>>>> Kali wrote:
: >>>>>>>>>> miguel mjc101 said:
: >>>>>>>>>>> Kali wrote:
: >>>>>>>>>>>> John Fereira said:
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> you do experience real life damage to your career and
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> want to see is someone *accused*
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> Here's another example of your reading comprehension
: >>>>>>>>>>>> problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his
: >>>>>>>>>>>> suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>> It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified
: >>>>>>>>>>> me as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
: >>>>>>>>>>>> that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> of damaging your career suffer real
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him.
: >>>>>>>>>>>> He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to
: >>>>>>>>>>>> get back at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I
: >>>>>>>>>>>> have never done that.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>> Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
: >>>>>>>>>>> (admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
: >>>>>>>>>>> efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot
: >>>>>>>>>>> be denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one
: >>>>>>>>>>> of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some
: >>>>>>>>>>> influence with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of
: >>>>>>>>>>> these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the
: >>>>>>>>>>> fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim
: >>>>>>>>>>> should be required. However, a source equally eminent, but
: >>>>>>>>>>> for reasons of his capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill
: >>>>>>>>>>> aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping nature of your
: >>>>>>>>>>> friendship with Vince.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>> Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use
: >>>>>>>>>>> some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>> ps you remind me more and more of zoe
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>> Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way
: >>>>>>>>>> imaginable.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
: >>>>>>>>> details for you.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends
: >>>>>>>>> to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything
: >>>>>>>>> that has some potential for real life consequences for all
: >>>>>>>>> parties involved.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
: >>>>>>>>> knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
: >>>>>>>>> any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
: >>>>>>>>> please let me know.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> Nice kooks list there, cranston.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>> Does your knee ever get tired?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too.
: >>>>>>>>> You'd
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
: >>>>>>>> you're training and what state are you licensed?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>> I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>> But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been
: >>>>>>>>> for the last week with respect to the forged email sent to
: >>>>>>>>> your colleagues.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> Who ever did that was wrong.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>> No. Really?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
: >>>>>>>>> being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
: >>>>>>>>> trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you might
: >>>>>>>>> feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at
: >>>>>>>>> stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in
: >>>>>>>>> the forehead and curse yourself for having been such a fool.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> But you won't.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
: >>>>>>>>> interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
: >>>>>>>>> made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim
: >>>>>>>>> in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK
: >>>>>>>>> you celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and infirm?
: >>>>>>>>> Is that how you compensate?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
: >>>>>>>>> immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's
: >>>>>>>>> kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking
: >>>>>>>>> those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking
: >>>>>>>>> those who aren't currently Formosable, you are in effect
: >>>>>>>>> trying to drive them to become Formosable. And you are
: >>>>>>>>> pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked up is that?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> Are you sure...?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>> It's a rational conclusion
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>> *SPLUTTER*
: >>>>>
: >>>>> three word question and a four word reply...
: >>>>>
: >>>>> /me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
: >>>>> magazine at his ear...
: >>>>>
: >>>>> "Goodbye"
: >>>>
: >>>> Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
: >>>
: >>> You did, when you told me you were having memory problems...
: >>
: >> Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an
: >> explanation. You can have it privately or publicly.
: >
: > I don't recall an offence...
: Oh, I do, and...
: > you can consider it done.
: ...it pains me to leave it undone. I will accept your magnanimous gesture
: and suffer the pain instead.

Where's *my* apology, huh? As I recall, you once stood me up at
the chapel.

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
2007-04-08 18:12:13 UTC
Post by Kali
: > On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 03:48:36 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
: >
: >> the sea was to cast thee in our way. Thou artless mad ass. Thou
: >>
: >>> On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
: >>>
: >>>> merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
: >>>>
: >>>>> On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
: >>>>>
: >>>>>> churlish
: >>>>>> old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> you do experience real life damage to your career and
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> want to see is someone *accused*
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> Here's another example of your reading comprehension
: >>>>>>>>>>>> problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of his
: >>>>>>>>>>>> suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>> It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified
: >>>>>>>>>>> me as a person you suspected of committing the offense.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> You and others from soc.singles are harping about something
: >>>>>>>>>>>> that didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> of damaging your career suffer real
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
: >>>>>>>>>>>>> Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>>> It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him.
: >>>>>>>>>>>> He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to
: >>>>>>>>>>>> get back at someone else - not because I went RL on him. I
: >>>>>>>>>>>> have never done that.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>> Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
: >>>>>>>>>>> (admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
: >>>>>>>>>>> efforts, you have some influence here that certainly cannot
: >>>>>>>>>>> be denied. Two sources suggest that you are schtupping one
: >>>>>>>>>>> of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you certainly must have some
: >>>>>>>>>>> influence with him, and his comrade Sean as well. One of
: >>>>>>>>>>> these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the
: >>>>>>>>>>> fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim
: >>>>>>>>>>> should be required. However, a source equally eminent, but
: >>>>>>>>>>> for reasons of his capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill
: >>>>>>>>>>> aka Snarky, confirms the schtupping nature of your
: >>>>>>>>>>> friendship with Vince.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>> Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use
: >>>>>>>>>>> some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>>> ps you remind me more and more of zoe
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>>> Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way
: >>>>>>>>>> imaginable.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
: >>>>>>>>> details for you.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends
: >>>>>>>>> to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything
: >>>>>>>>> that has some potential for real life consequences for all
: >>>>>>>>> parties involved.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill
: >>>>>>>>> knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If
: >>>>>>>>> any other kookologists would like to be added to this lits,
: >>>>>>>>> please let me know.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> Nice kooks list there, cranston.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>> Does your knee ever get tired?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too.
: >>>>>>>>> You'd
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
: >>>>>>>> you're training and what state are you licensed?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>> I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>> But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been
: >>>>>>>>> for the last week with respect to the forged email sent to
: >>>>>>>>> your colleagues.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> Who ever did that was wrong.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>> No. Really?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
: >>>>>>>>> being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
: >>>>>>>>> trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you might
: >>>>>>>>> feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at
: >>>>>>>>> stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in
: >>>>>>>>> the forehead and curse yourself for having been such a fool.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> But you won't.
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
: >>>>>>>>> interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
: >>>>>>>>> made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim
: >>>>>>>>> in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK
: >>>>>>>>> you celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and infirm?
: >>>>>>>>> Is that how you compensate?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>>> Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
: >>>>>>>>> immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's
: >>>>>>>>> kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between poking
: >>>>>>>>> those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking
: >>>>>>>>> those who aren't currently Formosable, you are in effect
: >>>>>>>>> trying to drive them to become Formosable. And you are
: >>>>>>>>> pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked up is that?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>>> Are you sure...?
: >>>>>>>
: >>>>>>> It's a rational conclusion
: >>>>>>
: >>>>>> *SPLUTTER*
: >>>>>
: >>>>> three word question and a four word reply...
: >>>>>
: >>>>> /me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
: >>>>> magazine at his ear...
: >>>>>
: >>>>> "Goodbye"
: >>>>
: >>>> Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
: >>>
: >>> You did, when you told me you were having memory problems...
: >>
: >> Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an
: >> explanation. You can have it privately or publicly.
: >
: > I don't recall an offence...
: Oh, I do, and...
: > you can consider it done.
: ...it pains me to leave it undone. I will accept your magnanimous gesture
: and suffer the pain instead.
[snip] As I recall, you once stood me up at
the chapel.
Now that is an *interesting* statement.

Kali uses the 'if I can't have you, no one can have you reasoning'.
No wonder you were so upset when back in April 2006 you thought he was
proposing to me...

Dangerous, very Dangerous. Her desire to annihilate persons who oppose
her on Usenet, and penchant for calling all sAUKers, leads me to believe
that she will get even with anyone, at any time, because she was jilted
at the *chapel*.

Kali you are a serious *jealous* _whack_ job..........
Post by Kali
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
message ID <etbvu5$dv$***@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>The REVOLTING;
REPULSIVE; REPUGNANT _* Kimberly Barnard*_ aka *Kymberly Barnard* aka
*Kali* 'responded to Jade' who was trolled into SPP by the Moderator of
SPPM _ kali_:
: Does that gibbering k00k Lynn "goofprints" Lyons still post there?
Let me consult my crystal ball for activities of the
Galactically Kill Filed net.deceased:
Yes, and now she is ranting against homosexuality.
: Jade

"If It Hurts, Don't Do It"!
*Hetero* PRIDE !! Caught in the 'crosshairs' between Gay Pride Issues
and Hetero-Pride issues far too long.

{ Disclaimer: Non Existent words contained within this poast
were created in response to the Paperwork Reduction Act.}
{If you have a problem with that,
take it to the Environmentalists Complaint Dept.}
A Free Thinker. © 2003
Rhonda Lea Kirk
2007-04-08 18:24:22 UTC
Post by hoofprints
Post by Kali
[snip] As I recall, you once stood me up at
the chapel.
Now that is an *interesting* statement.
No. It isn't.

It's funny. Amusing. Cute. Clever. Light.

Intended to create laughter, no more, no less.
Post by hoofprints
Kali uses the 'if I can't have you, no one can have you reasoning'.
No wonder you were so upset when back in April 2006 you thought he was
proposing to me...
You're delusional.
Post by hoofprints
Dangerous, very Dangerous. Her desire to annihilate persons who oppose
her on Usenet, and penchant for calling all sAUKers, leads me to
believe that she will get even with anyone, at any time, because she
was jilted at the *chapel*.
You're a delusional idiot.
Post by hoofprints
Kali you are a serious *jealous* _whack_ job..........
You have no idea what you're talking about. Zip. Zilch. Nit. Nil.

None of this has anything to do with you, and your involvement just
makes you look more and more disordered.
Rhonda Lea Kirk

If you ever need some proof that time can heal your wounds,
just step inside my heart and walk around these rooms;
where the shadows used to be.... Mary Chapin Carpenter
2007-04-08 18:28:13 UTC
Post by Rhonda Lea Kirk
Post by hoofprints
Post by Kali
[snip] As I recall, you once stood me up at
the chapel.
Now that is an *interesting* statement.
No. It isn't.
It's funny. Amusing. Cute. Clever. Light.
Intended to create laughter, no more, no less.
Post by hoofprints
Kali uses the 'if I can't have you, no one can have you reasoning'.
No wonder you were so upset when back in April 2006 you thought he was
proposing to me...
You're delusional.
Post by hoofprints
Dangerous, very Dangerous. Her desire to annihilate persons who oppose
her on Usenet, and penchant for calling all sAUKers, leads me to
believe that she will get even with anyone, at any time, because she
was jilted at the *chapel*.
You're a delusional idiot.
Post by hoofprints
Kali you are a serious *jealous* _whack_ job..........
You have no idea what you're talking about. Zip. Zilch. Nit. Nil.
None of this has anything to do with you, and your involvement just
makes you look more and more disordered.
Want to make a bet on that one, Rhonda?
I think it does, I know it does, but you would post this as you were my
Ta, TA!!
Post by Rhonda Lea Kirk
Rhonda Lea Kirk
If you ever need some proof that time can heal your wounds,
just step inside my heart and walk around these rooms;
where the shadows used to be.... Mary Chapin Carpenter
message ID <etbvu5$dv$***@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>The REVOLTING;
REPULSIVE; REPUGNANT _* Kimberly Barnard*_ aka *Kymberly Barnard* aka
*Kali* 'responded to Jade' who was trolled into SPP by the Moderator of
SPPM _ kali_:
: Does that gibbering k00k Lynn "goofprints" Lyons still post there?
Let me consult my crystal ball for activities of the
Galactically Kill Filed net.deceased:
Yes, and now she is ranting against homosexuality.
: Jade

"If It Hurts, Don't Do It"!
*Hetero* PRIDE !! Caught in the 'crosshairs' between Gay Pride Issues
and Hetero-Pride issues far too long.

{ Disclaimer: Non Existent words contained within this poast
were created in response to the Paperwork Reduction Act.}
{If you have a problem with that,
take it to the Environmentalists Complaint Dept.}
A Free Thinker. © 2003
Rhonda Lea Kirk
2007-04-08 18:48:43 UTC
Post by hoofprints
Post by Rhonda Lea Kirk
Post by hoofprints
Post by Kali
[snip] As I recall, you once stood me up at
the chapel.
Now that is an *interesting* statement.
No. It isn't.
It's funny. Amusing. Cute. Clever. Light.
Intended to create laughter, no more, no less.
Post by hoofprints
Kali uses the 'if I can't have you, no one can have you reasoning'.
No wonder you were so upset when back in April 2006 you thought he
was proposing to me...
You're delusional.
Post by hoofprints
Dangerous, very Dangerous. Her desire to annihilate persons who
oppose her on Usenet, and penchant for calling all sAUKers, leads
me to believe that she will get even with anyone, at any time,
because she was jilted at the *chapel*.
You're a delusional idiot.
Post by hoofprints
Kali you are a serious *jealous* _whack_ job..........
You have no idea what you're talking about. Zip. Zilch. Nit. Nil.
None of this has anything to do with you, and your involvement just
makes you look more and more disordered.
Want to make a bet on that one, Rhonda?
I think it does, I know it does, but you would post this as you were
my successor.
Ta, TA!!
Kali and I had a fundamental disagreement which ended our budding
friendship. It's sad, but it happens. It also happens that each person
in such a situation believes the other is at fault. In this particular
case, I understand why Kali feels the way she does about me, and I can't
blame her for it, given what has gone one, especially since other things
have occurred which have added a certain amount of animosity to the mix.

In other words, her point of view is not unreasonable, even though I
happen to disagree.

Nonetheless, it is not in any way analogous to your attempts to present
a third-party for online diagnosis or your repeated attempts to make
real-life legal problems for everyone who comes in contact with you.

Please feel free free to fuck off at your earliest convenience.
Rhonda Lea Kirk

If you ever need some proof that time can heal your wounds,
just step inside my heart and walk around these rooms;
where the shadows used to be.... Mary Chapin Carpenter
2007-04-08 18:35:40 UTC
In <***@hotmail.com>, hoofprints
***@hotmail.com said:
: Kali wrote:
: >
: > In <***@news.alt.net>, Kadaitcha Man
: > ***@gmail.com said:


: > : >> Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an
: > : >> explanation. You can have it privately or publicly.
: > : >
: > : > I don't recall an offence...
: > :
: > : Oh, I do, and...
: > :
: > : > you can consider it done.
: > :
: > : ...it pains me to leave it undone. I will accept your magnanimous gesture
: > : and suffer the pain instead.
: >
: > [snip] As I recall, you once stood me up at
: > the chapel.

Why on earth you snipped my words, "Where's my apology, huh?"
and left the entire rest of the post in tact, is beyond me.

: > Kali
: Now that is an *interesting* statement.

How so?

: Kali uses the 'if I can't have you, no one can have you reasoning'.
: No wonder you were so upset when back in April 2006 you thought he was
: proposing to me...

Keep your paws off my man, Hoofprints!!1!!

: Dangerous, very Dangerous. Her desire to annihilate persons who oppose
: her on Usenet, and penchant for calling all sAUKers, leads me to believe
: that she will get even with anyone, at any time, because she was jilted
: at the *chapel*.

Oh, yes, indeed. KMan left me crying in alt.Usenet.chapel, from
9200+ miles away. It was tragic, and I'll never forgive the
bastard until he gets down on his knees and begs for my
forgiveness. Chocolates, flowers, and precious gems will help,
as well.

: Kali you are a serious *jealous* _whack_ job..........

There is so much to be jealous of!

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
2007-04-08 18:42:05 UTC
Post by Kali
: >
: > : >> Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an
: > : >> explanation. You can have it privately or publicly.
: > : >
: > : > I don't recall an offence...
: > : Oh, I do, and...
: > : > you can consider it done.
: > : ...it pains me to leave it undone. I will accept your magnanimous gesture
: > : and suffer the pain instead.
: >
: > [snip] As I recall, you once stood me up at
: > the chapel.
Why on earth you snipped my words, "Where's my apology, huh?"
and left the entire rest of the post in tact, is beyond me.
: > Kali
: Now that is an *interesting* statement.
How so?
: Kali uses the 'if I can't have you, no one can have you reasoning'.
: No wonder you were so upset when back in April 2006 you thought he was
: proposing to me...
Keep your paws off my man, Hoofprints!!1!!
: Dangerous, very Dangerous. Her desire to annihilate persons who oppose
: her on Usenet, and penchant for calling all sAUKers, leads me to believe
: that she will get even with anyone, at any time, because she was jilted
: at the *chapel*.
Oh, yes, indeed. KMan left me crying in alt.Usenet.chapel, from
9200+ miles away. It was tragic, and I'll never forgive the
bastard until he gets down on his knees and begs for my
forgiveness. Chocolates, flowers, and precious gems will help,
as well.
: Kali you are a serious *jealous* _whack_ job..........
There is so much to be jealous of!
At the moment, Minesweeper is more important than any of your defenses.
I am trying to beat my record of 34 seconds.
ta, ta.
Post by Kali
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
message ID <etbvu5$dv$***@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>The REVOLTING;
REPULSIVE; REPUGNANT _* Kimberly Barnard*_ aka *Kymberly Barnard* aka
*Kali* 'responded to Jade' who was trolled into SPP by the Moderator of
SPPM _ kali_:
: Does that gibbering k00k Lynn "goofprints" Lyons still post there?
Let me consult my crystal ball for activities of the
Galactically Kill Filed net.deceased:
Yes, and now she is ranting against homosexuality.
: Jade

"If It Hurts, Don't Do It"!
*Hetero* PRIDE !! Caught in the 'crosshairs' between Gay Pride Issues
and Hetero-Pride issues far too long.

{ Disclaimer: Non Existent words contained within this poast
were created in response to the Paperwork Reduction Act.}
{If you have a problem with that,
take it to the Environmentalists Complaint Dept.}
A Free Thinker. © 2003
2007-04-08 18:42:53 UTC
Post by hoofprints
Post by Kali
: >
: > : >> Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an
: > : >> explanation. You can have it privately or publicly.
: > : >
: > : > I don't recall an offence...
: > : Oh, I do, and...
: > : > you can consider it done.
: > : ...it pains me to leave it undone. I will accept your magnanimous gesture
: > : and suffer the pain instead.
: >
: > [snip] As I recall, you once stood me up at
: > the chapel.
Why on earth you snipped my words, "Where's my apology, huh?"
and left the entire rest of the post in tact, is beyond me.
: > Kali
: Now that is an *interesting* statement.
How so?
: Kali uses the 'if I can't have you, no one can have you reasoning'.
: No wonder you were so upset when back in April 2006 you thought he was
: proposing to me...
Keep your paws off my man, Hoofprints!!1!!
: Dangerous, very Dangerous. Her desire to annihilate persons who oppose
: her on Usenet, and penchant for calling all sAUKers, leads me to believe
: that she will get even with anyone, at any time, because she was jilted
: at the *chapel*.
Oh, yes, indeed. KMan left me crying in alt.Usenet.chapel, from
9200+ miles away. It was tragic, and I'll never forgive the
bastard until he gets down on his knees and begs for my
forgiveness. Chocolates, flowers, and precious gems will help,
as well.
: Kali you are a serious *jealous* _whack_ job..........
There is so much to be jealous of!
At the moment, Minesweeper is more important than any of your defenses.
I am trying to beat my record of 34 seconds.
ta, ta.
Excuse me, my record is 27 seconds.
Post by hoofprints
Post by Kali
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
REPULSIVE; REPUGNANT _* Kimberly Barnard*_ aka *Kymberly Barnard* aka
*Kali* 'responded to Jade' who was trolled into SPP by the Moderator of
: Does that gibbering k00k Lynn "goofprints" Lyons still post there?
Let me consult my crystal ball for activities of the
Yes, and now she is ranting against homosexuality.
: Jade
"If It Hurts, Don't Do It"!
*Hetero* PRIDE !! Caught in the 'crosshairs' between Gay Pride Issues
and Hetero-Pride issues far too long.
{ Disclaimer: Non Existent words contained within this poast
were created in response to the Paperwork Reduction Act.}
{If you have a problem with that,
take it to the Environmentalists Complaint Dept.}
A Free Thinker. © 2003
message ID <etbvu5$dv$***@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>The REVOLTING;
REPULSIVE; REPUGNANT _* Kimberly Barnard*_ aka *Kymberly Barnard* aka
*Kali* 'responded to Jade' who was trolled into SPP by the Moderator of
SPPM _ kali_:
: Does that gibbering k00k Lynn "goofprints" Lyons still post there?
Let me consult my crystal ball for activities of the
Galactically Kill Filed net.deceased:
Yes, and now she is ranting against homosexuality.
: Jade

"If It Hurts, Don't Do It"!
*Hetero* PRIDE !! Caught in the 'crosshairs' between Gay Pride Issues
and Hetero-Pride issues far too long.

{ Disclaimer: Non Existent words contained within this poast
were created in response to the Paperwork Reduction Act.}
{If you have a problem with that,
take it to the Environmentalists Complaint Dept.}
A Free Thinker. © 2003
2007-04-08 18:56:25 UTC
In <***@hotmail.com>, hoofprints
***@hotmail.com said:
: hoofprints wrote:
: >
: > Kali wrote:
: > >
: > > In <***@hotmail.com>, hoofprints
: > > ***@hotmail.com said:
: > > :
: > > :
: > > : Kali wrote:
: > > : >
: > > : > In <***@news.alt.net>, Kadaitcha Man
: > > : > ***@gmail.com said:
: > >
: > > [...]
: > >
: > > : > : >> Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an
: > > : > : >> explanation. You can have it privately or publicly.
: > > : > : >
: > > : > : > I don't recall an offence...
: > > : > :
: > > : > : Oh, I do, and...
: > > : > :
: > > : > : > you can consider it done.
: > > : > :
: > > : > : ...it pains me to leave it undone. I will accept your magnanimous gesture
: > > : > : and suffer the pain instead.
: > > : >
: > > : > [snip] As I recall, you once stood me up at
: > > : > the chapel.
: > >
: > > Why on earth you snipped my words, "Where's my apology, huh?"
: > > and left the entire rest of the post in tact, is beyond me.
: > >
: > > : > Kali
: > > :
: > > : Now that is an *interesting* statement.
: > >
: > > How so?
: > >
: > > : Kali uses the 'if I can't have you, no one can have you reasoning'.
: > > : No wonder you were so upset when back in April 2006 you thought he was
: > > : proposing to me...
: > >
: > > Keep your paws off my man, Hoofprints!!1!!
: > >
: > > : Dangerous, very Dangerous. Her desire to annihilate persons who oppose
: > > : her on Usenet, and penchant for calling all sAUKers, leads me to believe
: > > : that she will get even with anyone, at any time, because she was jilted
: > > : at the *chapel*.
: > >
: > > Oh, yes, indeed. KMan left me crying in alt.Usenet.chapel, from
: > > 9200+ miles away. It was tragic, and I'll never forgive the
: > > bastard until he gets down on his knees and begs for my
: > > forgiveness. Chocolates, flowers, and precious gems will help,
: > > as well.
: > >
: > > : Kali you are a serious *jealous* _whack_ job..........
: > >
: > > There is so much to be jealous of!
: > >
: > > Kali
: >
: > At the moment, Minesweeper is more important than any of your defenses.
: > I am trying to beat my record of 34 seconds.
: > ta, ta.
: Excuse me, my record is 27 seconds.

Ok, then. I'm jealous!

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
Sqword Frod
2007-04-08 22:30:22 UTC
On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 11:42:53 -0700, hoofprints
Post by hoofprints
Post by hoofprints
At the moment, Minesweeper is more important than any of your defenses.
I am trying to beat my record of 34 seconds.
ta, ta.
Excuse me, my record is 27 seconds.
That's a pretty fast cum.
2007-04-09 00:40:48 UTC
Post by Sqword Frod
On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 11:42:53 -0700, hoofprints
Post by hoofprints
Post by hoofprints
At the moment, Minesweeper is more important than any of your defenses.
I am trying to beat my record of 34 seconds.
ta, ta.
Excuse me, my record is 27 seconds.
That's a pretty fast cum.
yes, and thank God it is a computer game, not a lover!
Post by Sqword Frod
message ID <etbvu5$dv$***@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>The REVOLTING;
REPULSIVE; REPUGNANT _* Kimberly Barnard*_ aka *Kymberly Barnard* aka
*Kali* 'responded to Jade' who was trolled into SPP by the Moderator of
SPPM _ kali_:
: Does that gibbering k00k Lynn "goofprints" Lyons still post there?
Let me consult my crystal ball for activities of the
Galactically Kill Filed net.deceased:
Yes, and now she is ranting against homosexuality.
: Jade

"If It Hurts, Don't Do It"!
*Hetero* PRIDE !! Caught in the 'crosshairs' between Gay Pride Issues
and Hetero-Pride issues far too long.

{ Disclaimer: Non Existent words contained within this poast
were created in response to the Paperwork Reduction Act.}
{If you have a problem with that,
take it to the Environmentalists Complaint Dept.}
A Free Thinker. © 2003
2007-04-08 18:55:44 UTC
In <***@hotmail.com>, hoofprints
***@hotmail.com said:
: Kali wrote:
: >
: > In <***@hotmail.com>, hoofprints
: > ***@hotmail.com said:
: > :
: > :
: > : Kali wrote:
: > : >
: > : > In <***@news.alt.net>, Kadaitcha Man
: > : > ***@gmail.com said:
: >
: > [...]
: >
: > : > : >> Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an
: > : > : >> explanation. You can have it privately or publicly.
: > : > : >
: > : > : > I don't recall an offence...
: > : > :
: > : > : Oh, I do, and...
: > : > :
: > : > : > you can consider it done.
: > : > :
: > : > : ...it pains me to leave it undone. I will accept your magnanimous gesture
: > : > : and suffer the pain instead.
: > : >
: > : > [snip] As I recall, you once stood me up at
: > : > the chapel.
: >
: > Why on earth you snipped my words, "Where's my apology, huh?"
: > and left the entire rest of the post in tact, is beyond me.
: >
: > : > Kali
: > :
: > : Now that is an *interesting* statement.
: >
: > How so?
: >
: > : Kali uses the 'if I can't have you, no one can have you reasoning'.
: > : No wonder you were so upset when back in April 2006 you thought he was
: > : proposing to me...
: >
: > Keep your paws off my man, Hoofprints!!1!!
: >
: > : Dangerous, very Dangerous. Her desire to annihilate persons who oppose
: > : her on Usenet, and penchant for calling all sAUKers, leads me to believe
: > : that she will get even with anyone, at any time, because she was jilted
: > : at the *chapel*.
: >
: > Oh, yes, indeed. KMan left me crying in alt.Usenet.chapel, from
: > 9200+ miles away. It was tragic, and I'll never forgive the
: > bastard until he gets down on his knees and begs for my
: > forgiveness. Chocolates, flowers, and precious gems will help,
: > as well.
: >
: > : Kali you are a serious *jealous* _whack_ job..........
: >
: > There is so much to be jealous of!
: >
: > Kali
: At the moment, Minesweeper is more important than any of your defenses.
: I am trying to beat my record of 34 seconds.
: ta, ta.

Good luck with that, Hoofy.

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein
Sqword Frod
2007-04-08 22:27:31 UTC
On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 11:12:13 -0700, hoofprints
Post by hoofprints
if I can't have you
You can't so forget it. Your scabby genitalia are too rough for non
horses and this is known by all.
Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-09 00:57:35 UTC
Post by Kali
Thou gormless secure fool. Thou crack-hemp. Thou herb woman. Ye
Post by Bob Officer
On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 03:48:36 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha Man"
knave the sea was to cast thee in our way. Thou artless mad ass.
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:40:58 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
merchant. Thou uninteresting blot. Thou drunkard. Thou
Post by Bob Officer
On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:35:38 +0545, in news.groups, "Kadaitcha
Post by Kadaitcha Man
old ruffian. Thou whoreson zed. Thou broken-backed,
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if
you do experience real life damage to your career and
reputation, I hope that the person responsible for it is
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What I don't
want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension
problems. I never *accused* him. I considered a post of
his suspicious, and copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You
identified me as a person you suspected of committing the
You and others from soc.singles are harping about
something that didn't happen. There was no accusation.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the
actions taken but a bunch of people that participate on
Usenet. This has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against
him. He has engaged in threatening RL behavior against
me to get back at someone else - not because I went RL
on him. I have never done that.
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your
(admittedly limited) participation in the google stacking
efforts, you have some influence here that certainly
cannot be denied. Two sources suggest that you are
schtupping one of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you
certainly must have some influence with him, and his
comrade Sean as well. One of these sources is eminent --
Wilbur Wright, one of the fathers of avaition, and no
confirmation of his claim should be required. However, a
source equally eminent, but for reasons of his capacity
for shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the
schtupping nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so.
Use some of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the
details for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook
friends to do is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to
everything that has some potential for real life
consequences for all parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that.
Bill knows that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm
guessing. If any other kookologists would like to be added
to this lits, please let me know.
Nice kooks list there, cranston.
Does your knee ever get tired?
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
You allowed to make diagnosis now? when and where did you get
you're training and what state are you licensed?
I'm licensed by the Nation of Bag.
But it's not my diagnosis. Check the spool and get back to me.
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been
for the last week with respect to the forged email sent to
your colleagues.
Who ever did that was wrong.
No. Really?
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and
being the self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that
trouble, and whatever other insecurities and fears you might
feel. You'd ask if the greater kookologistkook principle at
stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe slap yourself in
the forehead and curse yourself for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some
interest. If the information posted is correct, and you've
made progress, I applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim
in your childhood, and now as an adult and alpha bitch of
AUK you celebrate your capacity to victimize the weak and
infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a
freakishly immoral thing it is for you to participate in
AUK's kookhunting and kookpoking? You draw a line between
poking those who aren't Formosable and those who are. Yet,
by poking those who aren't currently Formosable, you are in
effect trying to drive them to become Formosable. And you
are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally fucked up is
Are you sure...?
It's a rational conclusion
three word question and a four word reply...
/me rolls up a magazine, and leans to K-man's head... points
magazine at his ear...
Who told you I was damn near deaf, Bob?
You did, when you told me you were having memory problems...
Oh, ok. That reminds me. I owe you a personal apology and an
explanation. You can have it privately or publicly.
I don't recall an offence...
Oh, I do, and...
Post by Bob Officer
you can consider it done.
...it pains me to leave it undone. I will accept your magnanimous
gesture and suffer the pain instead.
Where's *my* apology, huh? As I recall, you once stood me up at
the chapel.
Oh. Did I? Sorry then. I might as well own up to it because it isn't going
to be difficult to convince me.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org
Art Deco
2007-04-07 04:52:09 UTC
Post by Kadaitcha Man
melancholy without cause. Thou hot-headed foolish compounded clay-man.
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you do
experience real life damage to your career and reputation, I hope
that the person responsible for it is prosecuted to the full
extent of the law. What I don't want to see is someone *accused*
Here's another example of your reading comprehension problems. I
never *accused* him. I considered a post of his suspicious, and
copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me as a
person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something that
didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the actions
taken but a bunch of people that participate on Usenet. This has
gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back at
someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never done
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your (admittedly
limited) participation in the google stacking efforts, you have some
influence here that certainly cannot be denied. Two sources suggest
that you are schtupping one of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and you
certainly must have some influence with him, and his comrade Sean as
well. One of these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright, one of the
fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim should be
required. However, a source equally eminent, but for reasons of his
capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky, confirms the
schtupping nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use some of
that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the details
for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to do is
to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that has some
potential for real life consequences for all parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill knows
that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If any other
kookologists would like to be added to this lits, please let me know.
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for the
last week with respect to the forged email sent to your colleagues.
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being the
self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble, and whatever
other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd ask if the greater
kookologistkook principle at stake is really worth it. And you'd maybe
slap yourself in the forehead and curse yourself for having been such
a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some interest. If
the information posted is correct, and you've made progress, I applaud
you. Is it true? You were a victim in your childhood, and now as an
adult and alpha bitch of AUK you celebrate your capacity to victimize
the weak and infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly immoral
thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting and
kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't Formosable
and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't currently
Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to become
Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How totally
fucked up is that?
Thus, it's no surprise that you can't do the smart thing here.
Likewise, the remaining members of your kookologistkook gang are
probably suffering from equally substantial psychological afflictions
of one kind or another. Rick Mather is off his fucking nut. It's
actually painful to read his posts now. The best I can do is skim them
briefly and cringe for him. Clayton McGill is, I'm guessing, the one
Charlotte believes can't let go. Clayton can't work. He can't
accomplish anything in meatspace. Of course he can't let go, because
the sense of power and belonging he derives from his delusional view
of himself on usenet is all that he has. I don't know what Vince's and
Sean's issues might be, but there must be something there, inasmuch as
neither of them can stomach the thought of negotiating a truce
because, as Vince put it, it would be utterly humiliating to AUK to do
So let's at least be clear here. When I offer you and your
kookologistkook friends a truce, I do not expect any of you to
negotiate. In fact, I expect you will escalate instead, which is what
you've done in each instance I've made any such offer.
The gain for me is that people I like and respect, like Charlotte, get
a chance to see that I'm capable of acting in good faith. People like
Leyland and others who've unsubbed from AUK get to see what kooks you
all are. Your group is damaged to some extent. More of the smarter,
more decent people will ultimately leave, and the Rick Mathers and
Clayton McGills will remain.
And I get to watch you, and people like you, behave in ways that can
be rationally explained only by assuming significant mental illness.
All you can do in response is increase your kooky real lifing efforts
or nominate me for more of your silly awards.
Does that about cover it?
The crasston core temperature is approaching critical.
Supreme Leader of the Brainwashed Followers of Art Deco

"Still suffering from reading comprehension problems, Deco?
The section is clearly attributed to Art Deco, not to you, Deco."
-- Dr. David Tholen

"Who is "David Tholen", Daedalus? Still suffering from
attribution problems?"
-- Dr. David Tholen
Kadaitcha Man
2007-04-07 05:38:58 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Kadaitcha Man
melancholy without cause. Thou hot-headed foolish compounded
clay-man. Thou light-fingered counterfeit to thy true friend. Ye
Listen, I feel no ill will against you whatsover, and if you do
experience real life damage to your career and reputation, I
hope that the person responsible for it is prosecuted to the
full extent of the law. What I don't want to see is someone
Here's another example of your reading comprehension problems. I
never *accused* him. I considered a post of his suspicious, and
copied it for law enforcement.
It's more an example of you splitting hairs. You identified me as
a person you suspected of committing the offense.
You and others from soc.singles are harping about something that
didn't happen. There was no accusation. Ever.
of damaging your career suffer real
life consequences as a result of your accusation and the actions
taken but a bunch of people that participate on Usenet. This
has gone way too far. Call a truce.
It's not my truce to call. I am not agressing against him. He
has engaged in threatening RL behavior against me to get back at
someone else - not because I went RL on him. I have never done
Apart from your convenient failure to acknowledge your (admittedly
limited) participation in the google stacking efforts, you have
some influence here that certainly cannot be denied. Two sources
suggest that you are schtupping one of the FNVW's -- Vince -- and
you certainly must have some influence with him, and his comrade
Sean as well. One of these sources is eminent -- Wilbur Wright,
one of the fathers of avaition, and no confirmation of his claim
should be required. However, a source equally eminent, but for
reasons of his capacity for shitstain, Clayton McGill aka Snarky,
confirms the schtupping nature of your friendship with Vince.
Aren't you the alpha bitch of AUK? Your headers say so. Use some
of that alpha bitch influence, gwumpy Kali.
ps you remind me more and more of zoe
Still negotiating - in the most self-defeating way imaginable.
You remain very stupid so let me fill out a few more of the details
for you.
The only smart thing for you and your kookologistkook friends to do
is to negotiate a truce that puts an end to everything that has some
potential for real life consequences for all parties involved.
Charlotte knows that. RL knows that. Leyland knows that. Bill knows
that. Bookman, Jade, and Meat Plow too, I'm guessing. If any other
kookologists would like to be added to this lits, please let me know.
If you weren't so disordered yourself, you'd realize that too. You'd
stop for a moment and think how miserable your life has been for the
last week with respect to the forged email sent to your colleagues.
You'd ask yourself if participating in this shitstorm and being the
self-proclaimed alpha bitch of AUK is worth that trouble, and
whatever other insecurities and fears you might feel. You'd ask if
the greater kookologistkook principle at stake is really worth it.
And you'd maybe slap yourself in the forehead and curse yourself
for having been such a fool.
But you won't.
I read the post about your psychiatric history with some interest.
If the information posted is correct, and you've made progress, I
applaud you. Is it true? You were a victim in your childhood, and
now as an adult and alpha bitch of AUK you celebrate your capacity
to victimize the weak and infirm? Is that how you compensate?
Have you ever really stopped to think about what a freakishly
immoral thing it is for you to participate in AUK's kookhunting and
kookpoking? You draw a line between poking those who aren't
Formosable and those who are. Yet, by poking those who aren't
currently Formosable, you are in effect trying to drive them to
become Formosable. And you are pursuing a PhD in Psychology. How
totally fucked up is that?
Thus, it's no surprise that you can't do the smart thing here.
Likewise, the remaining members of your kookologistkook gang are
probably suffering from equally substantial psychological
afflictions of one kind or another. Rick Mather is off his fucking
nut. It's actually painful to read his posts now. The best I can do
is skim them briefly and cringe for him. Clayton McGill is, I'm
guessing, the one Charlotte believes can't let go. Clayton can't
work. He can't accomplish anything in meatspace. Of course he can't
let go, because the sense of power and belonging he derives from
his delusional view of himself on usenet is all that he has. I
don't know what Vince's and Sean's issues might be, but there must
be something there, inasmuch as neither of them can stomach the
thought of negotiating a truce because, as Vince put it, it would
be utterly humiliating to AUK to do so.
So let's at least be clear here. When I offer you and your
kookologistkook friends a truce, I do not expect any of you to
negotiate. In fact, I expect you will escalate instead, which is
what you've done in each instance I've made any such offer.
The gain for me is that people I like and respect, like Charlotte,
get a chance to see that I'm capable of acting in good faith.
People like Leyland and others who've unsubbed from AUK get to see
what kooks you all are. Your group is damaged to some extent. More
of the smarter, more decent people will ultimately leave, and the
Rick Mathers and Clayton McGills will remain.
And I get to watch you, and people like you, behave in ways that can
be rationally explained only by assuming significant mental illness.
All you can do in response is increase your kooky real lifing
efforts or nominate me for more of your silly awards.
Does that about cover it?
The crasston core temperature is approaching critical.
Aye. This is one volcano I want to see blow its lid into hyperspace.

I got a nice, warm and fuzzy feeling when he articulated the idea (up there
[^]) that he needs to be given a chance to prove to his friends that he can
act in good faith. For an alleged lawyer "Michael Cranston" attorney does
not realise the implications of his very own words.

One does not seek the opportunity to prove to one's friends that one is
capable of acting in good faith at some future point in time. One merely
acts in good faith and that's all there is to it.

It's all coming out in the wash for "Michael Cranston" attorney. As far as I
am concerned, the scumbag cunt deserves everything he gets. And I have no
compunction about saying so.
"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.

Vescere puter subgalia meis.

"Now I know what it is. Now I know what it means when an
alt.usenet.kook x-post shows up."
AOK in news:ermdlu$nli$***@registered.motzarella.org