Alright, Listen Up Morons
(too old to reply)
2009-06-03 02:08:27 UTC
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.

Bob Larter
2009-06-03 03:33:30 UTC
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
2009-06-05 03:10:15 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...

Bob Larter
2009-06-09 08:40:35 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
2009-06-11 01:45:28 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!

"The Honest One"
2009-06-11 02:11:25 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
You best bet back to the rest home before "bed-check", Andrew !!
Bob Larter
2009-06-11 12:13:45 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys!
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
"The Honest One"
2009-06-11 15:51:28 UTC
Post by ah
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys, ewe siwilly wabbit ?
Whinel "Elmer Fudd" Lionel
Fuck, you're Stupid !!
2009-06-12 02:32:18 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys!
And fjork wifts!

Bob Larter
2009-06-12 07:35:39 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys!
And fjork wifts!
And pwicing gjuns!
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
2009-06-12 11:15:55 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys!
And fjork wifts!
And pwicing gjuns!
And step wadders!

Bob Larter
2009-06-14 05:49:56 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys!
And fjork wifts!
And pwicing gjuns!
And step wadders!
And wjet mjops!
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
2009-06-14 12:37:39 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys!
And fjork wifts!
And pwicing gjuns!
And step wadders!
And wjet mjops!
And tjime cwoks!

Bob Larter
2009-06-17 15:47:00 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys!
And fjork wifts!
And pwicing gjuns!
And step wadders!
And wjet mjops!
And tjime cwoks!
And cwash wegisters!
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
2009-06-18 00:53:38 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys!
And fjork wifts!
And pwicing gjuns!
And step wadders!
And wjet mjops!
And tjime cwoks!
And cwash wegisters!
And inwentory scjanners!

Bob Larter
2009-06-18 02:52:15 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys!
And fjork wifts!
And pwicing gjuns!
And step wadders!
And wjet mjops!
And tjime cwoks!
And cwash wegisters!
And inwentory scjanners!
And pubwic-addwess sithtems!
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
2009-06-28 07:05:14 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
Diaperboi is the King of Foam.
Gewg certainly was vying the the throne there for a while...
Maybe DiaperBoi could take Gweggie under his wing? Hell, he could help
find him a job getting the big bucks at WalMart, it'd give him something
to do with his days.
He could even learn how to operate hweavy machinery!
Such as shopping twolleys!
And fjork wifts!
And pwicing gjuns!
And step wadders!
And wjet mjops!
And tjime cwoks!
And cwash wegisters!
And inwentory scjanners!
And pubwic-addwess sithtems!
And jewwy ljifts!

"The Honest One"
2009-06-28 17:21:00 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
And pubwic-addwess sithtems!
And jewwy ljifts!
Sorry, Andrew but you "NEW" Slurping-Buddy" has run-out on you too as
did your previous Slurping-Buddy......You appear to be a "Jinx", Andrew

Whinel Lionel and his "New" Slurping buddy:

Loading Image...

Your Pal,

Onideus Mad Hatter
2009-06-09 08:26:21 UTC
Post by ah
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
Nice foamage, DiaperBoi.
I, Diaperbitch, am the King of Foam.
You certainly are, Foamy.


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹

Hatter Quotes
"Freedom, true freedom, is nothing more than intellectual advantage over others."

"When I listen to people I don't really listen to what it is they're
saying, so much as what they're saying it for."

"Don't ever fuck with someone who has more creativity than you do."

"You're only one of the best if you're striving to become one of the

"I didn't make reality, Sunshine, I just verbally bitch slapped you
with it."

"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."

"Usenet Filters - Learn to shut yourself the fuck up!"

"Drugs killed Jesus you know...oh wait, no, that was the Jews, my

"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."

"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"

"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."

"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."

"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."

"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."

"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."

"Those who record history are those who control history."

"I am the living embodiment of hell itself in all its tormentive rage,
endless suffering, unfathomable pain and unending horror...but you
don't get sent to me...I come for you."

"Ideally in a fight I'd want a BGM-109A with a W80 250 kiloton
tactical thermonuclear fusion based war head."

"Tell me, would you describe yourself more as a process or a

"Apparently this group has got the market cornered on stupid.
Intelligence is down 137 points across the board and the forecast
indicates an increase in Webtv users."

"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )
Onideus Mad Hatter
2009-06-09 08:24:46 UTC
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
If I had wanted any shit out of you I would have squeezed yer fat ugly
head, Dipshit.


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹

Hatter Quotes
"Freedom, true freedom, is nothing more than intellectual advantage over others."

"When I listen to people I don't really listen to what it is they're
saying, so much as what they're saying it for."

"Don't ever fuck with someone who has more creativity than you do."

"You're only one of the best if you're striving to become one of the

"I didn't make reality, Sunshine, I just verbally bitch slapped you
with it."

"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."

"Usenet Filters - Learn to shut yourself the fuck up!"

"Drugs killed Jesus you know...oh wait, no, that was the Jews, my

"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."

"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"

"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."

"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."

"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."

"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."

"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."

"Those who record history are those who control history."

"I am the living embodiment of hell itself in all its tormentive rage,
endless suffering, unfathomable pain and unending horror...but you
don't get sent to me...I come for you."

"Ideally in a fight I'd want a BGM-109A with a W80 250 kiloton
tactical thermonuclear fusion based war head."

"Tell me, would you describe yourself more as a process or a

"Apparently this group has got the market cornered on stupid.
Intelligence is down 137 points across the board and the forecast
indicates an increase in Webtv users."

"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )
2009-06-12 02:33:48 UTC
Post by Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
If I had wanted any shit out of you I would have squeezed yer fat ugly
head, Dipshit.
Hittin' on all three cylinders, eh, Shitlips?

Bob Larter
2009-06-12 07:37:10 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
If I had wanted any shit out of you I would have squeezed yer fat ugly
head, Dipshit.
Hittin' on all three cylinders, eh, Shitlips?
As always. Love the way he thinks that going into a posting frenzy on
hundreds of week-old posts is a flood.
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
2009-06-12 11:17:18 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
If I had wanted any shit out of you I would have squeezed yer fat ugly
head, Dipshit.
Hittin' on all three cylinders, eh, Shitlips?
As always. Love the way he thinks that going into a posting frenzy on
hundreds of week-old posts is a flood.
"me me me me me me"

Bob Larter
2009-06-14 05:50:59 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
If I had wanted any shit out of you I would have squeezed yer fat ugly
head, Dipshit.
Hittin' on all three cylinders, eh, Shitlips?
As always. Love the way he thinks that going into a posting frenzy on
hundreds of week-old posts is a flood.
"me me me me me me"
Fortunately, the 'n' key is all it takes to skip his boring jizz-fests.
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
"The Honest One"
2009-06-14 05:59:08 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
"me me me me me me"
Fortunately, the 'n' key is all it takes to skip his boring
Post by Bob Larter
Whinel Lionel
You like Jizz, don't ya Lionel ??
2009-06-17 01:23:37 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Bob Larter
Post by ah
Post by Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
If I had wanted any shit out of you I would have squeezed yer fat ugly
head, Dipshit.
Hittin' on all three cylinders, eh, Shitlips?
As always. Love the way he thinks that going into a posting frenzy on
hundreds of week-old posts is a flood.
"me me me me me me"
Fortunately, the 'n' key is all it takes to skip his boring jizz-fests.
It does take a fair degree of boredom to read a handful through.

Onideus Mad Hatter
2009-06-14 19:44:52 UTC
As always, I'm a retarded faggot. I love the way he knows that going into a posting frenzy on
hundreds of week-old posts drives me up the fuckin wall.
Technically speaking I had help, so not exactly the "posting frenzy"
you'd like to imagine there, Whinel. That and I actively utilize
backbuilding tactics. Basically replying to posts a they come in, but
rather than sending them off right away I save them all up over the
course of a week or so and then slam you all at once. It's very
effective in keeping you feeling defeated and unable to contend. ^__^


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹

Hatter Quotes
"Freedom, true freedom, is nothing more than intellectual advantage over others."

"When I listen to people I don't really listen to what it is they're
saying, so much as what they're saying it for."

"Don't ever fuck with someone who has more creativity than you do."

"You're only one of the best if you're striving to become one of the

"I didn't make reality, Sunshine, I just verbally bitch slapped you
with it."

"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."

"Usenet Filters - Learn to shut yourself the fuck up!"

"Drugs killed Jesus you know...oh wait, no, that was the Jews, my

"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."

"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"

"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."

"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."

"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."

"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."

"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."

"Those who record history are those who control history."

"I am the living embodiment of hell itself in all its tormentive rage,
endless suffering, unfathomable pain and unending horror...but you
don't get sent to me...I come for you."

"Ideally in a fight I'd want a BGM-109A with a W80 250 kiloton
tactical thermonuclear fusion based war head."

"Tell me, would you describe yourself more as a process or a

"Apparently this group has got the market cornered on stupid.
Intelligence is down 137 points across the board and the forecast
indicates an increase in Webtv users."

"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )
Emo Haircut
2009-06-14 20:12:08 UTC
Are we everything we wanted?
Bob Larter
2009-06-16 04:52:57 UTC
As always, I'm a retarded faggot. I love the way he knows that going into a posting frenzy on
hundreds of week-old posts drives me up the fuckin wall.
Technically speaking I had help,
What, from your left hand?
so not exactly the "posting frenzy"
you'd like to imagine there, Whinel. That and I actively utilize
backbuilding tactics. Basically replying to posts a they come in, but
rather than sending them off right away I save them all up over the
course of a week or so and then slam you all at once. It's very
effective in keeping you feeling defeated and unable to contend. ^__^
Pfft. I just skipped through most of them. It's not like many people are
going to read followups to old posts.
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
2009-06-17 01:39:17 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
As always, I'm a retarded faggot. I love the way he knows that going
into a posting frenzy on hundreds of week-old posts drives me up the
fuckin wall.
Technically speaking I had help,
What, from your left hand?
so not exactly the "posting frenzy"
you'd like to imagine there, Whinel. That and I actively utilize
backbuilding tactics. Basically replying to posts a they come in, but
rather than sending them off right away I save them all up over the
course of a week or so and then slam you all at once. It's very
effective in keeping you feeling defeated and unable to contend. ^__^
Pfft. I just skipped through most of them. It's not like many people are
going to read followups to old posts.
Indeed. It would seem he has a rather inflated view of himself and his
posting. Don't know why as most of what he posts seems awfully tiresome.
Bob Larter
2009-06-17 15:47:34 UTC
Post by pandora
Post by Bob Larter
As always, I'm a retarded faggot. I love the way he knows that going
into a posting frenzy on hundreds of week-old posts drives me up the
fuckin wall.
Technically speaking I had help,
What, from your left hand?
so not exactly the "posting frenzy"
you'd like to imagine there, Whinel. That and I actively utilize
backbuilding tactics. Basically replying to posts a they come in, but
rather than sending them off right away I save them all up over the
course of a week or so and then slam you all at once. It's very
effective in keeping you feeling defeated and unable to contend. ^__^
Pfft. I just skipped through most of them. It's not like many people are
going to read followups to old posts.
Indeed. It would seem he has a rather inflated view of himself and his
posting. Don't know why as most of what he posts seems awfully tiresome.
Not to mention repetitive...
. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
2009-06-18 00:54:32 UTC
Post by Bob Larter
Post by pandora
Post by Bob Larter
As always, I'm a retarded faggot. I love the way he knows that going
into a posting frenzy on hundreds of week-old posts drives me up the
fuckin wall.
Technically speaking I had help,
What, from your left hand?
so not exactly the "posting frenzy"
you'd like to imagine there, Whinel. That and I actively utilize
backbuilding tactics. Basically replying to posts a they come in, but
rather than sending them off right away I save them all up over the
course of a week or so and then slam you all at once. It's very
effective in keeping you feeling defeated and unable to contend. ^__^
Pfft. I just skipped through most of them. It's not like many people are
going to read followups to old posts.
Indeed. It would seem he has a rather inflated view of himself and his
posting. Don't know why as most of what he posts seems awfully tiresome.
Not to mention repetitive...
Not to mention self-absorbed...

Onideus Mad Hatter
2009-06-14 19:44:52 UTC
Post by Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
If I had wanted any shit out of you I would have squeezed yer fat ugly
head, Dipshit.
I'm hittin' on all three cylinders, like my mother, Shitlips.
...that's no way to talk about yer mother, d00d.


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹

Hatter Quotes
"Freedom, true freedom, is nothing more than intellectual advantage over others."

"When I listen to people I don't really listen to what it is they're
saying, so much as what they're saying it for."

"Don't ever fuck with someone who has more creativity than you do."

"You're only one of the best if you're striving to become one of the

"I didn't make reality, Sunshine, I just verbally bitch slapped you
with it."

"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."

"Usenet Filters - Learn to shut yourself the fuck up!"

"Drugs killed Jesus you know...oh wait, no, that was the Jews, my

"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."

"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"

"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."

"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."

"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."

"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."

"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."

"Those who record history are those who control history."

"I am the living embodiment of hell itself in all its tormentive rage,
endless suffering, unfathomable pain and unending horror...but you
don't get sent to me...I come for you."

"Ideally in a fight I'd want a BGM-109A with a W80 250 kiloton
tactical thermonuclear fusion based war head."

"Tell me, would you describe yourself more as a process or a

"Apparently this group has got the market cornered on stupid.
Intelligence is down 137 points across the board and the forecast
indicates an increase in Webtv users."

"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )
Emo Haircut
2009-06-14 20:12:16 UTC
Post by Onideus Mad Hatter
yer mother
Are we everything we wanted?
2009-06-18 00:56:26 UTC
Post by Onideus Mad Hatter
Post by Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:46:15 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 10:13:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 12:52:28 -0400, Sweetness
You only get this warning just once a year and you're getting it now
so I'd pay the fuck attention if I were you. That article up on
Special ED about me? Yeah, you know the one.
You mean this one?
That's the one you mean, right?
Pleace to be makings a special butthurtz page for me on yer ghey lil
blog now, Mathilda. OKTHXBYE
Do you even *HAVE* any pictures of yourself online? Also the tactic
is meant more for Webbies and RLs, not so much Netters...which is why
I post the warning here rather than on my blog. I don't want to make
it ~too~ easy for the little spaz addicts to get a clue. Besides
which, it's *MUCH* moar fun *THIS* way.
That said, these tactics are only effective against people who can't
pass my MHM test and it's pretty easy to spot those types. I actually
had lil Waldo targeted since around 1996 since that's when I first
noticed how...exploitable, he was. LOL
I've many other targets to play with as well, some moar fuckheaded
than others. The fuckheads at Sakuracon for example *STILL* owe me
$90, having only refunded me $45 of the total amount I paid for
entrance. I want to do something ~really~ special for them though. As
such I've been slowly gathering all sorts of data on them, their
organizers, volunteers, even their lawyers! LOL It's gonna be a
*LOT* of fun! ...well, for me anyway, not so much for them I guess
(depending on how well they can take a joke). I just ~love~ satire,
don't you? ^__^ Especially when it involves human emotions!
You have a dossier?
Eh...something like that. Basically I keep track of *EVERYTHING*
pertaining to me online, mostly through the help of my clone posters.
Most of the material is archived in the form of screen caps, which is
absolutely necessary since most Webbies can't handle me to the point
of invoking Hitler esque post burning tactics...which was actually one
of the primary reasons why I create Onideus Uncensored.
In some cases, like with PoE and SASS, they completely obliterate
entire threads pertaining to me, simply because they wind up looking
: http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/_SASS/Deleted_And_Censored_Posts/
Of course what they don't realize is that covering up the damage I can
inflict on a group only serves to help me in that furthers the whole
"baby matthew" persona and makes me look all harmless and
ineffectual...until the screaming starts anyway...and then come the
death threats...LOL...oh how I love the death threats, such emotion!
According to one Dr. Judith Orloff, who personally I think is a bit of
a kook, believes me to be some kind of "psychic vampire" (her words).
But I think it's more about the simple quest to bring people to my
level of thinking/understanding. A world where words can't hurt. A
world where self-actualization is as easy to reach as an unnoticeable
itch, where people use words not to attack, but to create
art...wondrous, wondrous works of art. It may never come to pass, at
least not within my lifetime, but I think it's important to push
And I've been slowly amassing followers to help spread my
understanding, in the form of my clone posters, or my "Onten 7" group.
The number changes depending on the number of active Onten
members...there's actually quite a few more than that, but only seven
who I trust implicitly with my style to let them move about
unmonitored by me. This is how I often appear to be in so many
different froups across the grid simultaneously.
DiaperBoi is your classic, old-school kook. I've guided him through
numerous kook awards over the last decade or so. If you want a good
laugh, check out what his 'friends' have to say about him over on
They're a little web-orientated, but most of what they have to say about
him is spot on. And yes, the stuff about his Adult Baby fetish is 100% true.
[128 lines of admission snipped]
If I had wanted any shit out of you I would have squeezed yer fat ugly
head, Dipshit.
I'm hittin' on all three cylinders, like my mother, Shitlips.
...that's no way to talk about yer mother, d00d.
I know why you're stooping so low, but I'm afraid I don't swing that way.
