To put a stop to the crossposting
(too old to reply)
Peter J Ross
2008-07-04 23:29:23 UTC
In alt.usenet.kooks on Fri, 4 Jul 2008 16:39:10 -0700 (PDT), Anthony x
You know what to do.
I know what to do.
PJR :-)

2008-07-05 04:55:25 UTC
On 04 Jul 2008 23:29:23 GMT, in the land of alt.aratzio, Peter J Ross
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.usenet.kooks on Fri, 4 Jul 2008 16:39:10 -0700 (PDT), Anthony x
You know what to do.
I know what to do.
What is a poor girl to do?
A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute
Art Deco
2008-07-06 15:23:25 UTC
On Sun, 06 Jul 2008 11:20:19 GMT, The Secretary of HomIntern
Synthetic Networked Android Responsible for Killing and Yardwork
Hail Eris! On Sat, 05 Jul 2008 08:24:02 -0600, Eris Kallisti Discordia
was laughing at the antics of Art Deco, when they suddenly burst out in
You know what to do.
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
The famous .sig file quote that Wee Davie Tholen whines about at every

"Substantiation that you regard yourself as a God to be worhsipped [sic]
should be your concern, Deco."
-- David Tholen
2008-07-06 18:24:58 UTC
On Sun, 06 Jul 2008 11:20:19 GMT, The Secretary of HomIntern
Synthetic Networked Android Responsible for Killing and Yardwork
Hail Eris! On Sat, 05 Jul 2008 08:24:02 -0600, Eris Kallisti Discordia
was laughing at the antics of Art Deco, when they suddenly burst out in
You know what to do.
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more groups?
add more Queers like Art Deco!
