Time to spin the kooks up again. Melt, kooks, melt. <snicker>
The Gay Retarded Drug-Addicted Chimp (aka Chimpy D. BoneSmoker, aka
JimJim the UberFaggot, aka Checkmate), in
Post by CheckmatePost by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler EmeritusPost by Checkmateyou fucking wish asshole. It's plain to see that YOU
wrote the message
It was a quote from Nash Reed Eaks, Emmett, about what went on in that
shitty rat-infested rented single-wide trailer on a desolate
mountaintop in a remote part of Colorado when Trailer Trash Tony Ray
Eaks got drunk to the gills and high as a kite, which explains why
Nash Reed Eaks was visited for years afterward by Child Protective
It's also a quote that Trailer Trash Tony Ray Eaks has refused to
Why should "Tony Ray Eaks" have to deny something that you claim "Nash
Reed Eaks" said,
Because Tony Ray Eaks is the one Nash Reed Eaks is accusing, Chimpy.
Do you suppose Nash Reed Eaks is going to deny it? Are you stupid, or
just melting down, Chimpy?
Post by Checkmatewhen the only person who ever said
Post by Checkmateit was you, which is easily proven by your very own message ID?
My MID has the quote in it, yes. But the quote is Nash Reed Eaks's.
Prove otherwise, Chimpy, since you've made the k'lame that it's not.
Post by CheckmatePost by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus<snicker>
Post by Checkmateand YOU stated what your father did to you.
You're lying, Emmett. Either that, or you're too stupid to figure out
it's a quote. A liar or a retard, Emmett... which are you?
Post by CheckmateChecky isn't lying, YOU posted the message.
Who would describe his father "rubbing his belly" when he wanted sex
from his son?
Nash Reed Eaks, the person who made the quote, Chimpy.
Why should "Tony Ray Eaks" have to deny something that you claim "Nash
Reed Eaks" said, when the only person who ever said it was you, which is
easily proven by your very own message ID?
See above, you dolt. Then go take your Xanax psychiatric drug. You're
beginning to retardedly repeat yourself. LOL
Post by CheckmatePost by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler EmeritusBut do continue melting down and projecting about the savage rectal
rampages your own father subjected you to, which turned you gay, as
you've admitted in the MIDs in my .sig, Chimpy.
Post by CheckmateSomebody who had been there, done that!
Yeah, Nash Reed Eaks, the person who made that quote, you idiot.
Why do you claim "Nash Reed Eaks" said that, when the only person who
ever said it was you, which is easily proven by your very own message
Proof, Chimpy? Do you suppose Usenet is the entirety of sources for
quotes, Chimpy? Now, since you've made the k'lame that Nash Reed Eaks
didn't make that quote, the onus is upon you to prove your k'lame.
Be getting right on that, Chimpy, or admit you've been caught in a
Post by CheckmatePost by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler EmeritusPost by CheckmateEvery once in awhile, Fakey lets something very personal slip...
Except the original MID shows it was a quote, and you're just melting
down after midnight as you project your own ass-raped past, Chimpy.
A quote from what? The message ID says it was a quote from you, not
anyone named "Nash Reed Eaks". Here, see for yourself...
Then you also purport this to be a quote from me:
"I gotta gay named Guido from Jersey"
That's a quote, and it's in my post, which will have an MID associated
with it... right? So according to your retarded logic, it must be a
quote from me, right?
But we all know it was *you* who made that Freudian slip which exposed
your faggoty thought process. See my .sig. LOL
Post by Checkmate"My... my dad would get drunk... really, really drunk. And he'd smoke
a lot of pot. When he'd take off his shirt and start rubbing his belly
with his hand, I knew what that meant. I would usually try going
outside to get away from him, but we lived out in the middle of
nowhere, there was no getting away from him, there was nowhere to go!"
Yeah, note the quotation marks, moron. LOL
Why hasn't Trailer Trash Tony Ray Eaks denied the quote, Chimpy?
Post by CheckmateIs that your message ID at the end? Why, yes. Yes it is!
So? What's your point? Are... are you *so* retarded now that you're
k'laming that if a quote is in an MID, it *must* originate from that
MID, Chimpy?
Or are you *so* retarded that you're just melting down again? LOL
Post by CheckmatePost by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler EmeritusThat's why you're gay. You've admitted it. See my .sig.
"Wull... wull... yer GAY!" LOL!
No, that'd be you, cocksnuggler. See my .sig for proof. LOL
Proof you've thus far been utterly unable to refute or deny. LOL
Because yer GAY! LOL
Post by CheckmatePost by Friendly Neighborhood Vote Wrangler Emeritus<snicker>
Post by Checkmatelike the time he inadvertently revealed that he thought
Antonio Banderas was sexually attractive.
Ah, now we know Chimpy's *really* melting down... it was *you* who was
talking about Antonio Banderas, Chimpy.
Oh no, Fakey. In one of your earliest fag lames directed at me, you
made some reference to me "probably fantasizing about Antonio
Banderas," or words to that effect...
Lying faggot. In the MID you cowardly snipped out, it shows you
discussing a dream you had of talking with Antonio Banderas about
cock-rings. You faggot.
Oh look, here it is, since you were *such* a coward that you snipped
it out and replaced it with more of your kookfroth:
Chimpy Checkmate the Cowardly CockSmoker is obsessed with Antonio
Banderas. So much so, that he bought an Antonio Banderas blow-up love
Message-ID: <k2idne$ajr$***@news.mixmin.net>
"Sez the guy who's taking phone calls from Antonio Banderas, and
discussing cock rings with him... in his dreams. And abusing the hell
out of his Antonio Banderas blowup love doll the rest of the time."
Then, on 24 Jan 2014, you yet again reiterated that Antonio Banderas
is, in your opinion, "hot".
Message-ID: <lbvfru$hdo$***@news.mixmin.net>
Post by Checkmatethereby inadvertently admitting
that you thought of Antonio in a gay way. I've said this about you
several times before... when you get rattled and blurt out your verbal
diarrhea without thinking first, you have a tendency to reveal much more
about yourself than your intended target. It's understandable, you're
only a 28-year-old puppy, and you haven't learned how to control your
emotions yet. You'll grow up someday... if someone doesn't terminally
kick the crap out of you first. Sometimes loud mouth punks bite off
more than they can chew, and I'd venture that you're that type.
Read the MID above, you lying cock smoking faggot. It was *you* who
was talking about discussing cock rings with Antonio Banderas. That's
*why* you cowardly snipped the MID and quoted text out. Coward.
Post by CheckmateBTW... ow'sdaddy? LOL!
I have no idea how your daddy is, Chimpy. He's probably still trying
to clean your shit off his dick. LOL
Melt, Chimpy D. BoneSmoker, melt.
"The Man Who Spanked Chimpy Checkmate The Cowardly CockSmoker Out Of
AUK, Then Out Of The Flonk, Then Into Insanity, Then Made Him Run Away
Like A Little Spankard Bitch. Again."
In which Checkmate says he wants to spank guys all night long:
MID: <k3m5ls$3pr$***@news.mixmin.net>
In which Checkmate confesses his desire to fuck who he claims is a
MID: <k3oolf$cpe$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <k9nj0v$u4a$***@newsfeed.x-privat.org>
MID: <l8ogd6$1cd$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <lclrtd$eei$***@news.mixmin.net>
In which Checkmate admits he'd definitely fuck a male dog:
MID: <k2h0j1$6ll$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <k4dsc7$l32$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <k5m8o5$vmq$***@newsfeed.x-privat.org>
In which Checkmate admits to having a golden showers fetish:
MID: <k79p80$9ps$***@newsfeed.x-privat.org>
MID: <k8t9l0$nf0$***@newsfeed.x-privat.org>
MID: <k8t9kv$nev$***@newsfeed.x-privat.org>
MID: <k994eg$77l$***@newsfeed.x-privat.org>
MID: <k9i8is$sna$***@newsfeed.x-privat.org>
MID: <lf3noh$sqv$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
In which Checkmate asks a guy for a blowjob (again):
MID: <ka4m1r$8rs$***@newsfeed.x-privat.org>
MID: <knd50p$7ni$***@news.albasani.net>
MID: <knnmme$3a4$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <kp77db$rqk$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <kvvjjb$a8t$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <kvvjjb$a8u$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l069qt$g3j$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l1b6g1$qqv$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l65hh2$jpd$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l9b7ha$ret$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <lfe72e$q0s$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <lffimp$k2f$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Checkmate's got a thing about tickling guy's asses with random
MID: <l8rapt$rfm$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <lfm4f8$3jb$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <li2ao1$3rf$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Checkmate's so gay he repeatedly insists that a picture of a vagina is
actually an asshole and balls... he went on and on about assholes and
balls... couldn't shut up about them:
MID: <l84jo7$cnd$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l84oip$icu$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l85ste$ao$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l87aud$saf$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l88ptv$nlj$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l8dvdt$tj2$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l8kl20$91i$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l8psgt$m7d$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l8rapv$rfm$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <l98brg$6hp$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <ldg914$pel$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
Chimpy Checkmate's Famous Faggotisms:
MID: <***@news.alt.net>
"Best you keester a kielbasa."
MID: <knnmmb$3a4$***@news.mixmin.net>
"If you see a dick, suck it."
MID: <***@news.alt.net>
"The Winchester 1892 would make a damned-good dildo."
MID: <l61jjg$tth$***@news.mixmin.net>
"Pump a rump."
MID: <l9d76m$k1v$***@news.mixmin.net>
"You gerbils are always in the dark."
MID: <lal84d$g2u$***@news.mixmin.net>
MID: <***@dizum.com>
"I gotta gay named Guido from Jersey"
MID: <lamgt8$b2d$***@news.mixmin.net>
"If they're soft, yer probably blowin' it all wrong."
MID: <lchub0$q96$***@news.mixmin.net>
"Hitler would have made a damned good Queen."
MID: <lcsgjb$obk$***@news.mixmin.net>
"Don't get slapped by the cocks you crave."
MID: <***@dizum.com>
To a nearly toothless man:
"I wouldn't pay you to suck my dick if your last tooth fell out."
So Chimpy prefers paying *nearly* toothless men for blowjobs,
but not *fully* toothless men. LOL
MID: <***@dizum.com>
"If I send you some money, will you suck Greg's dick?"
Chimpy likes to watch. LOL
What a FAG!
Melt, Chimpy, melt.
Froth, Chimpy, froth.
Dance, Chimpy, dance!
/\ Properly known as Bill
\ /\ The Monster You Kooks Can't Handle
\/ The AUK coup is complete. The Old Cabal is no more.
Accept no substitutes...
if it's from Databasix, it's a sure bet it's from a kook.
databasix.com / PacketDerm, LLC / COTSE:
all branches of the same malignant tree.
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