PING Erwin - Composting Life
(too old to reply)
2006-09-25 12:55:08 UTC
And Douggie does the froup edit yet again, so...
Backpedal all you want but you got it good.
and it is hilarious.
It is, indeed. You'll be KOTM in no time.
I left that task last year when he was not that famous yet,
( in his pre-kOok-postings, he used to show politeness).
i'd pick the unfinished award proposal back up, but since you propose it
so nicely, well then.
Now, who sends the first motion and when ????!?
I'm not quite sure how it works, actually.
Check your friendly good seunet neighbourhood and esp.
alt.usenet.kooks and put the propasal for KOTM,
preferably assisted by one of the local authorities like Cujo, Cannon,
Kali or PJR by the end of any month.
I'd ask PJR, we've spoken before.
Tell him that if he is so kind, Flonkenstein might start posting again ;-)
But it surely should be done
soon, before he totally melts down and there's nothing left of him but
a radioactive puddle on the floor.
He has done that grand-escape trick more than once.. darn, each time
the debate gets somewhat substantial, Erweener and slave Doughie go up
in smoke. ( and then Tom falls in to show his plumage in an unfashioned
knee-jerk )
I remember Douglass from alt.satanism 3 years ago or so. Spanked the
pants off him back then, iirc.
He likes that.
2006-09-25 18:20:21 UTC
Post by FrankB
And Douggie does the froup edit yet again, so...
Backpedal all you want but you got it good.
and it is hilarious.
It is, indeed. You'll be KOTM in no time.
I left that task last year when he was not that famous yet,
( in his pre-kOok-postings, he used to show politeness).
i'd pick the unfinished award proposal back up, but since you propose it
so nicely, well then.
Now, who sends the first motion and when ????!?
I'm not quite sure how it works, actually.
Check your friendly good seunet neighbourhood and esp.
alt.usenet.kooks and put the propasal for KOTM,
preferably assisted by one of the local authorities like Cujo, Cannon,
Kali or PJR by the end of any month.
I'd ask PJR, we've spoken before.
Tell him that if he is so kind, Flonkenstein might start posting again ;-)
Oooh, what a treat!! The dear Doctor of Flonk.. yes, I must do this today.
Should really write myself a note, but that takes -effort- iykwimaityd.

Hopefully PJR has un-plonked me by now. Gods, that's been a while ago.
Surely one would un-plonk someone after several years, I'd think.
Post by FrankB
But it surely should be done
soon, before he totally melts down and there's nothing left of him but
a radioactive puddle on the floor.
He has done that grand-escape trick more than once.. darn, each time
the debate gets somewhat substantial, Erweener and slave Doughie go up
in smoke. ( and then Tom falls in to show his plumage in an unfashioned
knee-jerk )
I remember Douglass from alt.satanism 3 years ago or so. Spanked the
pants off him back then, iirc.
He likes that.
Just a little too much. I believe that's how he gets his jollies on.
blu 3=3
http://blu05.port5.com <-Go there!! Seriously.

Eat the rich -Aerosmith

The gods too are fond of a joke.

Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.

Kill 'em all and let L. Ron Hubbard sort them out. -amanita

We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.
Tupac Shakur

"Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny", Aeschylus (525BC-456BC),

Nothing beats a little juju juice in the morning *g*

Its only my Paranoia that keeps me from going Insane
-thank you Cur

Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.
Lao Tzu

It tells us PHBP = Potheads Have Better Peckers.
-Ms Sticky Buds

Not Kitty029
2006-09-25 20:21:41 UTC
blu wrote, a écrit, schreef, escribio in alt.magick,
Post by blu
Post by FrankB
And Douggie does the froup edit yet again, so...
Backpedal all you want but you got it good.
and it is hilarious.
It is, indeed. You'll be KOTM in no time.
I left that task last year when he was not that famous yet,
( in his pre-kOok-postings, he used to show politeness).
i'd pick the unfinished award proposal back up, but since you propose
it so nicely, well then.
Now, who sends the first motion and when ????!?
I'm not quite sure how it works, actually.
Check your friendly good seunet neighbourhood and esp.
alt.usenet.kooks and put the propasal for KOTM,
preferably assisted by one of the local authorities like Cujo, Cannon,
Kali or PJR by the end of any month.
I'd ask PJR, we've spoken before.
Tell him that if he is so kind, Flonkenstein might start posting again ;-)
Oooh, what a treat!! The dear Doctor of Flonk.. yes, I must do this today.
Should really write myself a note, but that takes -effort- iykwimaityd.
The return of Flonkenstein, PhD koOkology will be a clash !
Post by blu
Hopefully PJR has un-plonked me by now.
You got plonked by the poet ???

Hmm... not his style to really *plonk* someone.
You sure it wasn't a joke ?
Post by blu
Gods, that's been a while ago.
Surely one would un-plonk someone after several years, I'd think.
Maybe PJR kept you under suspens all that time :)
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