Tholen on Wikipedia.
(too old to reply)
2007-07-18 02:50:23 UTC
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still no
response" cascade, those are
Note: no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other children
outside, DeLaney.
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has been
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the Classics; News
Infiltration, fire and maneuver tactics
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history texts.
Ironic that the pike was once everything.
Indeed, herring were easily overwhelmed by
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic is
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client until
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't be
Lack of large women given soprano arias noted, ah.
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days, Deco.
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical music,
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with me !
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than ahs !
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of all
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in midstream
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in fact
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your internets ?
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing the sad
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to maintain
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning kunts
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the newsgroup
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or something
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post your
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to the demon
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to come and
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this is the
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs elsewhere,
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still continues here.
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other times it's
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish that you
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie', or
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off elsewhere: this
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in terms of
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range. There
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and the
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse, unless
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit of a
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through abuse) to
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a place
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of demon.local
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say so in
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
John "C"
2007-07-18 02:55:55 UTC
You'll not be warned again.

Art Deco
2007-07-19 01:39:26 UTC
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still no
response" cascade, those are
Note: no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other children
outside, DeLaney.
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has been
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the Classics; News
Infiltration, fire and maneuver tactics
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history texts.
Ironic that the pike was once everything.
Indeed, herring were easily overwhelmed by
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic is
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client until
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't be
Lack of large women given soprano arias noted, ah.
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days, Deco.
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical music,
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with me !
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than ahs !
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of all
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in midstream
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in fact
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your internets ?
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing the sad
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to maintain
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning kunts
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the newsgroup
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or something
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post your
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to the demon
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to come and
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this is the
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs elsewhere,
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still continues here.
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other times it's
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish that you
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie', or
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off elsewhere: this
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in terms of
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range. There
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and the
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse, unless
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit of a
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through abuse) to
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a place
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of demon.local
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say so in
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"
John "C"
2007-07-19 02:11:51 UTC
Post by Art Deco
You'll not be warned a third time.
From me to you, Deco:

2007-07-19 22:33:29 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still no
response" cascade, those are
Note: no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other children
outside, DeLaney.
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has been
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the Classics; News
Infiltration, fire and maneuver tactics
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history texts.
Ironic that the pike was once everything.
Indeed, herring were easily overwhelmed by
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic is
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client until
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't be
Lack of large women given soprano arias noted, ah.
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days, Deco.
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical music,
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with me !
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than ahs !
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of all
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in midstream
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in fact
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your internets ?
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing the sad
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to maintain
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning kunts
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the newsgroup
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or something
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post your
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to the demon
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to come and
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this is the
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs elsewhere,
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still continues here.
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other times it's
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish that you
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie', or
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off elsewhere: this
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in terms of
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range. There
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and the
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse, unless
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit of a
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through abuse) to
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a place
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of demon.local
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say so in
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
Art Deco
2007-07-20 01:06:45 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still no
response" cascade, those are
Note: no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other children
outside, DeLaney.
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has been
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the Classics;
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver tactics
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history texts.
Ironic that the pike was once everything.
Indeed, herring were easily overwhelmed by
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic is
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client until
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't be
Lack of large women given soprano arias noted, ah.
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days, Deco.
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical music,
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with me !
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than ahs !
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of all
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in midstream
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in fact
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your internets ?
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing the sad
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to maintain
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning kunts
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the newsgroup
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or something
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post your
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to the demon
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to come and
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this is the
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs elsewhere,
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still continues here.
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other times it's
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish that you
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie', or
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off elsewhere: this
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in terms of
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range. There
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and the
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse, unless
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit of a
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through abuse) to
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a place
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of demon.local
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say so in
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"
2007-07-20 02:41:55 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still no
response" cascade, those are
Note: no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other children
outside, DeLaney.
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has been
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the Classics;
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver tactics
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history texts.
Ironic that the pike was once everything.
Indeed, herring were easily overwhelmed by
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic is
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client until
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't be
Lack of large women given soprano arias noted, ah.
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days, Deco.
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical music,
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with me !
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than ahs !
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of all
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in midstream
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in fact
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your internets ?
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing the sad
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to maintain
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning kunts
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the newsgroup
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or something
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post your
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to the demon
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to come and
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this is the
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs elsewhere,
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still continues here.
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other times it's
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish that you
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie', or
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off elsewhere: this
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in terms of
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range. There
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and the
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse, unless
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit of a
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through abuse) to
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a place
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of demon.local
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say so in
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
Art Deco
2007-07-20 02:48:10 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still no
response" cascade, those
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other children
outside, DeLaney.
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the Classics;
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver tactics
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once everything.
Indeed, herring were easily overwhelmed
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic is
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't be
Lack of large women given soprano arias noted,
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days, Deco.
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with me !
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than ahs !
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of all
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in midstream
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in fact
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your internets ?
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing the sad
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to maintain
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning kunts
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the newsgroup
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or something
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post your
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to the demon
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to come and
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this is the
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs elsewhere,
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still continues here.
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other times it's
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish that you
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie', or
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off elsewhere: this
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in terms of
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range. There
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and the
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse, unless
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through abuse) to
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a place
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of demon.local
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say so in
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"
2007-07-21 10:22:08 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still no
response" cascade, those
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other children
outside, DeLaney.
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the Classics;
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver tactics
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once everything.
Indeed, herring were easily overwhelmed
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic is
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't be
Lack of large women given soprano arias noted,
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days, Deco.
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with me !
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than ahs !
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of all
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in midstream
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in fact
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your internets ?
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing the sad
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to maintain
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning kunts
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the newsgroup
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or something
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post your
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to the demon
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to come and
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this is the
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs elsewhere,
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still continues here.
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other times it's
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish that you
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie', or
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off elsewhere: this
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in terms of
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range. There
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and the
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse, unless
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through abuse) to
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a place
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of demon.local
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say so in
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
John "C"
2007-07-21 18:47:44 UTC
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still no
response" cascade, those
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other children
outside, DeLaney.
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the Classics;
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver tactics
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once everything.
Indeed, herring were easily overwhelmed
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic is
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't be
Lack of large women given soprano arias noted,
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days, Deco.
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with me !
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than ahs !
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of all
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your internets ?
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy
policing the
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to maintain
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or something
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post your
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place
to come
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and
this is
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie', or
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and the
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse, unless
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please
say so
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Art Deco
2007-07-22 17:37:01 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still no
response" cascade, those
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other children
outside, DeLaney.
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the Classics;
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily overwhelmed
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic is
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't be
Lack of large women given soprano arias noted,
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days, Deco.
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with me !
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than ahs !
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of all
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in midstream
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in fact
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your internets ?
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing the sad
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to maintain
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning kunts
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the newsgroup
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or something
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post your
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to the
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this is the
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs elsewhere,
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still continues
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other times it's
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish that you
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie', or
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range. There
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and the
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse, unless
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through abuse) to
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a place
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say so in
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"
2007-07-22 18:49:27 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still no
response" cascade, those
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other children
outside, DeLaney.
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the Classics;
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily overwhelmed
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic is
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't be
Lack of large women given soprano arias noted,
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days, Deco.
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with me !
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than ahs
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of all
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your internets ?
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing the sad
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to maintain
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning kunts
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or something
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post your
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to the
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this is
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still continues
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other times
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish that
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie', or
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range.
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and the
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse, unless
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through abuse)
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say so
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
Art Deco
2007-07-23 03:39:05 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
response" cascade,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano arias
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to the
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this is
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still continues
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other times
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish that
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie',
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range.
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you are
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse,
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a bit
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through abuse)
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say so
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"
2007-07-24 01:05:20 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A "still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
response" cascade,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh bugger
What does that have to do with
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do with
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs has
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in history
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes client
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano arias
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot of
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is in
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have been
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please post
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and this
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a biccie',
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable range.
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable about
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young and
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse,
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not a
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong opinions.
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please say
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but most
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing, pickup-with-gun-rack-driving,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing, "liberal"-hating,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining, Commie-baiting,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking their
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Art Deco
2007-07-26 00:38:12 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
response" cascade,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano arias
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially concerning
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit of
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse,
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"
2007-08-10 03:10:57 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no response.
Oh, goodie! A
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
response" cascade,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no response.
Note: still no response.
Note: still no ... oh
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this epic
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it wouldn't
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano arias
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with classical
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are with
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter than
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma" is
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy policing
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage to
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to have
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true spirit
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs to
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place to
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is not
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and html.
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and in
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least three
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical types;
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and you
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an apocalypse,
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs has a
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan hooligans
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's not
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about Art
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough foolishness
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching, New-Age,
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering, bigfoot-chasing,
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to post
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam hypocritical,
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
Art Deco
2007-08-11 14:15:28 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oh, goodie! A
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
response" cascade,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no ... oh
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano arias
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"

"I am claiming that you believe ah's family name is "ah",
Deco, and I substantiated that claim."
--David Tholen

"Quite a kook-out, Deco. You've been frothing even more
ever since I demonstrated how you believe that ah's family
name is "ah"."
--David Tholen
John "C"
2007-08-11 15:17:39 UTC
Post by Art Deco
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
You two "GayRods" have had sex with each other 14 times already? Damn!

2007-08-17 23:56:31 UTC
Post by John "C"
Post by Art Deco
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
You two "GayRods" have had sex with each other 14 times already? Damn!
You need to masturbate more, John.
2007-08-17 23:55:59 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oh, goodie! A
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
response" cascade,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no response.
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no ... oh
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music, DeLaney?
Go play with the other
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of seguiturs
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and maneuver
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano arias
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these days,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's Revoluion!
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got shot
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses in
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to the
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a place
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly, other
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy' rubbish
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the young
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people (through
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this stuff.
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample of
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful, please
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss, but
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling for more.
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping, Newtie-following,
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist, radical-right-wing
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by debunking
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our newsgroup.
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as they
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away from
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and ignorance
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Sixteen candles burn to the quick...
Art Deco
2007-08-17 02:01:37 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:34:50 GMT, "anonym"
Who wrote?
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oh, goodie! A
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no ... oh
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Go play with the other
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy'
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling for
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Sixteen candles burn to the quick...
Seventeen is the number thou shalt count, and seventeen shall be the
count that thy brethren shalt enumerate.
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"

"I am claiming that you believe ah's family name is "ah",
Deco, and I substantiated that claim."
--David Tholen

"Quite a kook-out, Deco. You've been frothing even more
ever since I demonstrated how you believe that ah's family
name is "ah"."
--David Tholen
2007-08-18 00:26:09 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:34:50 GMT, "anonym"
Who wrote?
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oh, goodie! A
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no ... oh
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Go play with the other
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps this
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a nwes
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days, ah.
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed horses
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that "Emma"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still manage
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here, or
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then please
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it belongs
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic' is
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below) belongs
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy'
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole imaginable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically knowledgeable
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because it's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking about
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling for
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing, toad-licking,
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging, miltia-joining,
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal traits
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise" Karczewski
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Sixteen candles burn to the quick...
Seventeen is the number thou shalt count, and seventeen shall be the
count that thy brethren shalt enumerate.
I eight a teen, once; tasted like chikn.
Art Deco
2007-08-18 14:32:06 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:34:50 GMT, "anonym"
Who wrote?
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oh, goodie! A
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no ...
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Go play with the other
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic'
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below)
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy'
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling for
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Sixteen candles burn to the quick...
Seventeen is the number thou shalt count, and seventeen shall be the
count that thy brethren shalt enumerate.
I eight a teen, once; tasted like chikn.
Beware the omen of the nineteenth raven caw.
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"

"I am claiming that you believe ah's family name is "ah",
Deco, and I substantiated that claim."
--David Tholen

"Quite a kook-out, Deco. You've been frothing even more
ever since I demonstrated how you believe that ah's family
name is "ah"."
--David Tholen
2007-08-21 03:21:07 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:34:50 GMT, "anonym"
Who wrote?
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oh, goodie! A
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no ...
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Go play with the other
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no response.
Note: a large pod of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar Key.
Modern evasion trounces the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote in
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was once
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you are
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way cuter
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had got
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy your
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on topic'
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below)
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense still
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy'
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better off
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at least
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of .sigs
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative sample
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de jour),
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to discuss,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling for
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing, bunny-hugging,
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing, reverse-swearing,
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting, Bible-quoting,
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example of
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases as
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention away
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place of
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Sixteen candles burn to the quick...
Seventeen is the number thou shalt count, and seventeen shall be the
count that thy brethren shalt enumerate.
I eight a teen, once; tasted like chikn.
Beware the omen of the nineteenth raven caw.
Twenty says you ain't ever seen one!
Art Deco
2007-08-20 03:25:24 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:34:50 GMT, "anonym"
Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oh, goodie!
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no ...
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Go play with the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: a large pod of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Modern evasion trounces
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below)
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy'
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling for
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Sixteen candles burn to the quick...
Seventeen is the number thou shalt count, and seventeen shall be the
count that thy brethren shalt enumerate.
I eight a teen, once; tasted like chikn.
Beware the omen of the nineteenth raven caw.
Twenty says you ain't ever seen one!
Twenty-one -- blackjack, pay up.
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Wee Davie Tholen is a grade-school lamer
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"

"I am claiming that you believe ah's family name is "ah",
Deco, and I substantiated that claim."
--David Tholen

"Quite a kook-out, Deco. You've been frothing even more
ever since I demonstrated how you believe that ah's family
name is "ah"."
--David Tholen
2007-08-21 03:31:43 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:34:50 GMT, "anonym"
Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oh, goodie!
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no ...
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Go play with the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: a large pod of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Modern evasion trounces
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were easily
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given soprano
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance, Deco.
No one can write classic arias these days,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No one _wants to_ write classic arias these
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too busy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule especially
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules appear
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the true
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see here,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a charter,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below)
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very friendly,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy'
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair', 'Have
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially, intellectually,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of musical
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos; the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership criteria,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore this
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by strong
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling for
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating, flame-trolling,
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's fun
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving, river-damming,
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding, mind-controlling,
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of our
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime example
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting place
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Sixteen candles burn to the quick...
Seventeen is the number thou shalt count, and seventeen shall be the
count that thy brethren shalt enumerate.
I eight a teen, once; tasted like chikn.
Beware the omen of the nineteenth raven caw.
Twenty says you ain't ever seen one!
Twenty-one -- blackjack, pay up.
Twenty-two! You lose!
Art Deco
2007-08-22 02:18:30 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:34:50 GMT, "anonym"
David DeLaney
Art Deco
Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Go play with the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: a large pod of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Modern evasion trounces
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No one can write classic arias these
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No one _wants to_ write classic arias
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below)
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy'
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair',
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos;
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Sixteen candles burn to the quick...
Seventeen is the number thou shalt count, and seventeen shall be the
count that thy brethren shalt enumerate.
I eight a teen, once; tasted like chikn.
Beware the omen of the nineteenth raven caw.
Twenty says you ain't ever seen one!
Twenty-one -- blackjack, pay up.
Twenty-two! You lose!
And now twenty-three demons have crawled up and out of the pit of hell.
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Wee Davie Tholen is a grade-school lamer
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"You really are one of the litsiest people I know, Mr. Deco."
--Kali, quoted endlessly by David Tholen as evidence of "something"

"I am claiming that you believe ah's family name is "ah",
Deco, and I substantiated that claim."
--David Tholen

"Quite a kook-out, Deco. You've been frothing even more
ever since I demonstrated how you believe that ah's family
name is "ah"."
--David Tholen
2007-09-07 22:30:49 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:34:50 GMT, "anonym"
David DeLaney
Art Deco
Art Deco
Who wrote?
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Go play with the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
outside, DeLaney.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that have
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: a large pod of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing Cedar
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Modern evasion trounces
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a footnote
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike was
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but perhaps
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted, Deco.
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No one can write classic arias these
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No one _wants to_ write classic arias
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do with
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like you
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we had
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief guide
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you do see here that you want to take issue with, then
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones. It's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below)
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to binaries
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that 'cosy'
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair',
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be better
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos;
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of puritan
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also because
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I do?
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it useful,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for talking
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving, whale-watching,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly, government/media
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple aliases
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward societal
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go read
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen Quarnstrom)
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Sixteen candles burn to the quick...
Seventeen is the number thou shalt count, and seventeen shall be the
count that thy brethren shalt enumerate.
I eight a teen, once; tasted like chikn.
Beware the omen of the nineteenth raven caw.
Twenty says you ain't ever seen one!
Twenty-one -- blackjack, pay up.
Twenty-two! You lose!
And now twenty-three demons have crawled up and out of the pit of hell.
24 hours a day, my friend.
Art Deco
2007-09-08 14:46:43 UTC
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:34:50 GMT, "anonym"
David DeLaney
Art Deco
Art Deco
Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
classical music,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Go play with the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
What does that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
music, ah?
Note: still no
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Note: a large pod of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spotted passing
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Modern evasion
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Infiltration, fire and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
made Classical massed
block attacks a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ironic that the pike
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Indeed, herring were
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Got teeth?
That might hurt, but
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
suitable for classic
I thought Opera didn't
have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
just a few years
Hmm, that could be, but then
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women given
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large women noted,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Lack of large noted, ah.
Lack of noted, Deco.
Lack of, ah.
Lack of what, Deco?
Lack, ah.
Yet another lackluster performance,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No one can write classic arias these
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No one _wants to_ write classic arias
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I just want to ... /sing/!
Then /sing/ . . . you little retro-50's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
No! No! No! Stop that!
Where on the scoresheet is that one, ah?
Right after the Coda, IIRC.
Little wonder I missed it.
Do you peeps have Tholen repellant or summit ?
What does your ridiculous question have to do
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
I was just wondering why you never bothered them,
Classic erroneous presupposition.
but it is now
apparent that you're not besties with them like
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
me !
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Classic erroneous presupposition.
Oh c'mon Tholen, admit it - You think my ass is way
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Oi! No nancyboy stuff in demon.local! I thought we
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when Chrith Hill disappeared and Nelly Barker changed
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
when he met Emma. (There is a rumour going around
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Chrith Hill! Usual fiver for any info.)
You demons have way too many rules. How do you enjoy
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
We have no time to enjoy our internets for we are too
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
state it has been allowed to get into. Luckily, we
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
our well known sig rule. Also our spelling rule
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
has needed enforcing lately. Also, many other rules
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignored recently. We must be more vigilant. So, in the
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
The Official FAQ
Welcome to the demon.local FAQ. It's only a brief
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
demon.local -- if there's something you want to see
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you do see here that you want to take issue with,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
comments in the newsgroup.
[1] What is demon.local?
[2] What's on topic there?
[3] What's off topic there?
[4] Are there any rules?
[5] What's it like there?
[6] Who posts there?
[7] Can I post there?
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[12] Who made this FAQ?
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
[1] What is demon.local?
It's a newsgroup a bit like any other, except that it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
hierarchy rather than any of the big Usenet ones.
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
chat about anything and everything, almost.
[2] What's on topic there?
Anything and everything, almost. We don't have a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
nearest thing we have to an official FAQ. Being 'on
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
to achieve. Strictly, discussion of .sigs (see below)
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
though for historical reasons a bit of this nonsense
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[3] What's off topic there?
Anything that's not on topic -- see above.
[4] Are there any rules?
No -- other than the usual ones pertaining to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[5] What's it like there?
It's an interesting place. Sometimes it's very
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
cold and forbidding. It doesn't have any of that
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
get in some places ('Come in and pull up a chair',
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
other such crap). If that's your thing you'd be
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a 'robust' group (see below).
[6] Who posts there?
We have a considerable mixture, socially,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
knowledge and experience, right through the whole
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
is a good number of people who are technically
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
computing, Usenet, the Internet etc; several PhDs; at
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
authors; students; several media types; plenty of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
housewives; idiots; foreign people; complete thickos;
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
geriatric... you name it, we've got it.
[7] Can I post there?
Yes, of course you can! There are no membership
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
welcome even if you don't know an apostrophe from an
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you happen to be called Keith.
[8] What's this stuff about .sigs that I keep seeing?
Although it's not really on topic here, discussion of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
has a
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
history, stemming from the time when a bunch of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a group takeover with the intention of forcing people
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
conform to an ideal sig-format. Feel free to ignore
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[9] Why do some people call it a 'robust' group?
Because they like to swear, of course! But also
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
you should linger in if you are easily offended by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
[10] I've just been sworn at -- what should I do?
Why would you want to do anything?
[11] I've just been vilely abused -- what should I
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Ask someone else -- that's outside my field.
[12] Who made this FAQ?
It's the result of collaboration by a representative
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
regulars. If you don't like it or don't find it
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
the group.
[13] Is Mabbettry allowed?
Absolutely and unequivocally not.
[14] Is Craig Oldfield fat?
Why not post and ask him?
[15] Is James Follett a lying fuckface?
It's all a question of spin. What is "truth"?
This group is called alt.fan.art-bell. It's for
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bell, the replacement to his radio show (and hosts de
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his/their/its guests, and whatever else we choose to
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
especially Art Bell's phans. We've got more than enough
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
right here in this group without having to go trolling
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Unfortunately, every nutcake crystal-rubbing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
tree-sitting, tofu-eating, Volvo-driving,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
backyard-preaching, Bible-thumping, god-bothering,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
spoon-bending, remote-viewing, star-gazing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
reptile-fucking, carpet-munching, fudge-packing,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
goat-sucking, Clinton-loving, Bush-hating,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
pamphlet-peddling, horoscope-reading, Dolphin-kissing,
Swift-boat-refuting, alien abductee seems to think it's
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
his or her dreck into afa-b.
Not only that, but we're also plagued by every goddam
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
brain-dead, mega-dittoing, Reagan-worshipping,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Clinton-bashing, Hillary-hating, gun-hugging,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
bunny-bopping, forest-raping, earth-paving,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
species-exterminating, ozone-trashing,
Medicare-killing, traffic-fine-avoiding,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Bush-loving, urban-legend-quoting, trickle-downing,
gay-bashing, femiNazi-spewing, hate-spouting,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Moral Mafia, jack-booted, cross-burning, Klan-joining,
conspiracy-theorist, neo-Nazi, crypto-Fascist,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ditto-head that comes down the pike.
Then, when a few of us shred these fatheads to bits by
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
favorite fantasy, they start whining.
If you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of our
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"This is not a gentle place."
In the interest of evenhandedness, and to enjoy one of
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
"AFAB = alt.fan.art-bell newsgroup. It is a prime
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
a gathering place for hooded, cowardly,
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
disinformation agents who operate behind multiple
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
prey on others, intimidating and misdirecting attention
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
those who engage in serious dialog. It is a meeting
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
ignoramuses who seek to promote the Bassackward
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
of irresponsibility, violence, human degradation, and
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
under the guise of Free Speech." By Ray "Linenoise"
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
If STILL you ask "Where the hell is the FAQ" then go
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
that poor old outdated relic from our earlier days
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
Hope This Helps.
(Revised 08/28/2004, original penned by Glen
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by Art Deco
Post by ah
Post by Art Deco
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned again.
You'll not be warned a third time.
You'll not be warned a fourth.
You'll not be warned for the fifth time.
You'll not be warned for the sextuple.
You'll not be warned for a seventh and final time.
This is your final, and eighth, warning.
Do not force me to produce the dreaded ninth warning.
You'll not be warned, I tell you for the tenth time.
The eleventh time approaches, do not make me go there.
The twelfth warning is extremely excruciating.
Fear not those who may kill the body; rather fear the thirteenth
The body wonteth not, faced with the fourteen . . . .
All shall shrink in dread of the bell that toils for the fifteenth time.
Sixteen candles burn to the quick...
Seventeen is the number thou shalt count, and seventeen shall be the
count that thy brethren shalt enumerate.
I eight a teen, once; tasted like chikn.
Beware the omen of the nineteenth raven caw.
Twenty says you ain't ever seen one!
Twenty-one -- blackjack, pay up.
Twenty-two! You lose!
And now twenty-three demons have crawled up and out of the pit of hell.
24 hours a day, my friend.
Can you spot me 25 smackers?
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads for alt.astronomy
Wee Davie Tholen is a grade-school lamer
Trainer and leash holder of:
Honest "Clockbrain" John
nightbat "fro0tbat" of alt.astronomy
Tom "TommY Crackpotter" Potter

"Classic erroneous presupposition. Others developed websites
so that they could have the Last Word, Deco. In the newsgroups,
I could counter their lies."
--David Tholen