It's not dead yet
(too old to reply)
Peter J Ross
2006-09-21 09:42:22 UTC
Here's a free clue for you, PRJ, you nasty vile lying pussy "man". You
cannot provied ONE stinking reason why I should read or consider
anything that comes out of your worm infested head. You have nothing
worth listening to no matter how many of your assinine apologists
defend your crazy and childish trolling activities.
Welcome to Usenet, where nobody has to read anybody else's posts. One
day might get teh hang of how it works.
Now to quote you to me from your "farewell address"....why don't you
shut the fuck up and die?
oh dear oh dear! I suppose I'll now have to make about a thousand
screaming posts that are all about you because *somebody said
something rude to me on Usenet*.
Is that a real plonker or a soc.men plonker?

PJR :-)
_ _(o)_(o)_ _ | The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no Cabal."
._\`:_ F S M _:' \_, | FSM: <http://www.venganza.org/>
/ (`---'\ `-. | AUK: <http://www.netcabal.com/auk/>
,-` _) (_, F_P | PJR: <http://insurgent.org/~pjr/>
2006-09-22 17:54:38 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
Here's a free clue for you, PRJ, you nasty vile lying pussy "man". You
cannot provied ONE stinking reason why I should read or consider
anything that comes out of your worm infested head. You have nothing
worth listening to no matter how many of your assinine apologists
defend your crazy and childish trolling activities.
LOL! someone else on this happy little newsgroup knows you very well, Piggy
Post by Peter J Ross
Welcome to Usenet, where nobody has to read anybody else's posts. One
day might get teh hang of how it works.
Now to quote you to me from your "farewell address"....why don't you
shut the fuck up and die?
oh dear oh dear! I suppose I'll now have to make about a thousand
screaming posts that are all about you because *somebody said
something rude to me on Usenet*.
Is that a real plonker or a soc.men plonker?
PJR :-)
_ _(o)_(o)_ _ | The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no Cabal."
._\`:_ F S M _:' \_, | FSM: <http://www.venganza.org/>
/ (`---'\ `-. | AUK: <http://www.netcabal.com/auk/>
,-` _) (_, F_P | PJR: <http://insurgent.org/~pjr/>
2006-09-22 20:00:47 UTC
Post by MCP
Post by Peter J Ross
Here's a free clue for you, PRJ, you nasty vile lying pussy "man". You
cannot provied ONE stinking reason why I should read or consider
anything that comes out of your worm infested head. You have nothing
worth listening to no matter how many of your assinine apologists
defend your crazy and childish trolling activities.
LOL! someone else on this happy little newsgroup knows you very well, Piggy
Tom siddling up to the bar, "Me too MCP! These fuckheads elbow into
soc.men then take advantage of our good and trusting natures only to
attempt to steal the store for the fucking feminists!! The shitheads
were all along trying to undermine and then steal the group."

Announcement: Soc.Meners are encouraged to say the most vile and nasty
things to Jayne, Kathy, PJR and please add to the list if you have
others. I'm used to being oppressed, but when someone tries to dupe me
I get very pissed off.

Post by MCP
Post by Peter J Ross
Welcome to Usenet, where nobody has to read anybody else's posts. One
day might get teh hang of how it works.
Now to quote you to me from your "farewell address"....why don't you
shut the fuck up and die?
oh dear oh dear! I suppose I'll now have to make about a thousand
screaming posts that are all about you because *somebody said
something rude to me on Usenet*.
Is that a real plonker or a soc.men plonker?
PJR :-)
_ _(o)_(o)_ _ | The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no Cabal."
._\`:_ F S M _:' \_, | FSM: <http://www.venganza.org/>
/ (`---'\ `-. | AUK: <http://www.netcabal.com/auk/>
,-` _) (_, F_P | PJR: <http://insurgent.org/~pjr/>
Sharon B
2006-09-22 20:12:20 UTC
Post by Masculist
Post by MCP
Here's a free clue for you, PRJ, you nasty vile lying pussy "man". You
cannot provied ONE stinking reason why I should read or consider
anything that comes out of your worm infested head. You have nothing
worth listening to no matter how many of your assinine apologists
defend your crazy and childish trolling activities.
LOL! someone else on this happy little newsgroup knows you very well, Piggy
Tom siddling up to the bar, "Me too MCP! These fuckheads elbow into
soc.men then take advantage of our good and trusting natures only to
attempt to steal the store for the fucking feminists!! The shitheads
were all along trying to undermine and then steal the group."
Announcement: Soc.Meners are encouraged to say the most vile and nasty
things to Jayne, Kathy, PJR and please add to the list if you have
others. I'm used to being oppressed, but when someone tries to dupe me
I get very pissed off.

Someone not in Kathy's plonker needs to relay this heads up to her.
Soc.fr00t logic:
"If you intensely dislike what I'm writing,
that's because the truth hurts."
--Mark Sobolewski--
2006-09-22 21:11:22 UTC
Post by Sharon B
Post by Masculist
Post by MCP
Here's a free clue for you, PRJ, you nasty vile lying pussy "man". You
cannot provied ONE stinking reason why I should read or consider
anything that comes out of your worm infested head. You have nothing
worth listening to no matter how many of your assinine apologists
defend your crazy and childish trolling activities.
LOL! someone else on this happy little newsgroup knows you very well, Piggy
Tom siddling up to the bar, "Me too MCP! These fuckheads elbow into
soc.men then take advantage of our good and trusting natures only to
attempt to steal the store for the fucking feminists!! The shitheads
were all along trying to undermine and then steal the group."
Announcement: Soc.Meners are encouraged to say the most vile and nasty
things to Jayne, Kathy, PJR and please add to the list if you have
others. I'm used to being oppressed, but when someone tries to dupe me
I get very pissed off.
Someone not in Kathy's plonker needs to relay this heads up to her.
Who can tell, anymore? I mean, who is in whose plonker? It's a very heavy
plonking week.
But I'll give it a try.

Post by Sharon B
"If you intensely dislike what I'm writing,
that's because the truth hurts."
--Mark Sobolewski--
Peter J Ross
2006-09-23 14:09:11 UTC
Post by Masculist
Post by MCP
Here's a free clue for you, PRJ, you nasty vile lying pussy "man". You
cannot provied ONE stinking reason why I should read or consider
anything that comes out of your worm infested head. You have nothing
worth listening to no matter how many of your assinine apologists
defend your crazy and childish trolling activities.
LOL! someone else on this happy little newsgroup knows you very well, Piggy
Tom siddling up to the bar, "Me too MCP! These fuckheads elbow into
soc.men then take advantage of our good and trusting natures only to
attempt to steal the store for the fucking feminists!! The shitheads
were all along trying to undermine and then steal the group."
Announcement: Soc.Meners are encouraged to say the most vile and nasty
things to Jayne, Kathy, PJR and please add to the list if you have
Post by Masculist
I'm used to being oppressed, but when someone tries to dupe me
I get very pissed off.
PJR :-)
_ _(o)_(o)_ _ | The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no Cabal."
._\`:_ F S M _:' \_, | FSM: <http://www.venganza.org/>
/ (`---'\ `-. | AUK: <http://www.netcabal.com/auk/>
,-` _) (_, F_P | PJR: <http://insurgent.org/~pjr/>
Chadwick StoneĀ©
2006-09-24 11:53:52 UTC
X-No-Archive: YES
Post by Peter J Ross
Post by Masculist
Announcement: Soc.Meners are encouraged to say the most vile and
nasty things to Jayne, Kathy, PJR and please add to the list if you
have others.
This LITS is defective!!!
SkepticultĀ®# 581-00504-208
ChadwickStone at Gmail dot com
Usenet's most helpful netizen

HoT, 03/2005
BWMDW, 08/2005, Trainer of pSylvia pSullivan
PSHL&S, 08/2006, Teh SMM II Debacle
2006-09-24 16:25:37 UTC
Post by Masculist
Post by MCP
Post by Peter J Ross
Here's a free clue for you, PRJ, you nasty vile lying pussy "man". You
cannot provied ONE stinking reason why I should read or consider
anything that comes out of your worm infested head. You have nothing
worth listening to no matter how many of your assinine apologists
defend your crazy and childish trolling activities.
LOL! someone else on this happy little newsgroup knows you very well, Piggy
Tom siddling up to the bar, "Me too MCP! These fuckheads elbow into
soc.men then take advantage of our good and trusting natures only to
attempt to steal the store for the fucking feminists!! The shitheads
were all along trying to undermine and then steal the group."
Together, at last:
Tom Smith. MCP.

Two giant intellects. One Internet.
Post by Masculist
Announcement: Soc.Meners are encouraged to say the most vile and nasty
things to Jayne, Kathy, PJR and please add to the list if you have
I add Tom Smith.
Post by Masculist
I'm used to being oppressed, but when someone tries to dupe me
I get very pissed off.

- - -

This has been another monster movie moment, with:


I have such sites to show you...



"He who changeth, altereth, misconstrueth, argueth with, deleteth, or
maketh a lie about these words or causeth them to not be known shall
burn in hell forever and ever...."

Post by Masculist
Post by MCP
Post by Peter J Ross
Welcome to Usenet, where nobody has to read anybody else's posts. One
day might get teh hang of how it works.
Now to quote you to me from your "farewell address"....why don't you
shut the fuck up and die?
oh dear oh dear! I suppose I'll now have to make about a thousand
screaming posts that are all about you because *somebody said
something rude to me on Usenet*.
Is that a real plonker or a soc.men plonker?
PJR :-)
_ _(o)_(o)_ _ | The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no Cabal."
._\`:_ F S M _:' \_, | FSM: <http://www.venganza.org/>
/ (`---'\ `-. | AUK: <http://www.netcabal.com/auk/>
,-` _) (_, F_P | PJR: <http://insurgent.org/~pjr/>