(too old to reply)
2009-06-26 02:02:08 UTC
IMO, everyone's favorite Farting Clown Penis would look just -great-
with a Nixon Award stapled to its shaft.
This is extremely vulgar and rude, is inaccurate, and furthermore
contains a threat that will earn me the sympathy, and you the devoted
attention, of every male officer on the force when I notify the police
in your area.
Prepare to have your life turned upside down, fuckhead. Search warrants,
subpoenas, you name it. When all is said and done I will OWN your ass!
Unless, of course, you back down from this misguided and extremely
ill-advised smear campaign right now.
You have 24 hours to shut up about me. If, after that time, you have not
done so, I will notify the police in your area about several threats
you've made, start filing lawsuits, and you will be in for a world of
shit, believe you me.
[threat deleted]
I couldn't care less what a pseudonymous dick, er nick, claims is
proscribed in some arconym I've never heard of. Butt out. This is
between me and that idiot Montavious.
It's a good idea to read a while before psoting.
You'd have more credibility if you used a frakking spellchecker.
You'd have more credibility if you would STFU.

2009-06-26 02:03:47 UTC
Not to mention all that crap about suing people for saying
mean things to him.
It's saying mean things ABOUT me that I am troubled by. Tell me to fuck
off and I'll tell you to fuck off too, or just ignore you. Tell other
people that I'm a pedophile, or whatever, though, and soon you'll have
my lawyers so far up your ass that your head will spin.
3.5 4.7 2.1 0.7 3.4 2.5
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