My Boat Looked Like Lynn!!!!! a Faded, Stained C&C 27
(too old to reply)
Lady Pilot
2005-11-18 07:28:29 UTC
You're the one who's angry my boy. You're blaming me for all your
ills, lying the whole way. It really makes you look quite pathetic.
Yes Jon... everyone else is mad and you're the only well adjusted
person...... S-U-R-E!!!!
It's now time for you to apologize to me. You LIED or are very
confused about your assertion that I deliberately posted someone's
address and phone number.
Are you man enough to admit you're wrong? I doubt it.
Tsk Tsk Tsk Jon...... Really...such anger in one so weak and frail is a
recipe for disaster. You know very well you did it. You posted it. You
directed people on who to complain to....... what are you a psycho?
You're a LIAR. Show me the post.
You're one sad case. You rant and call people names with no
provocation, but what it really comes down to is you're just a creep
with no scruples.
Lady Pilot
2005-11-18 07:39:29 UTC
You're a LIAR. Show me the post.
Which post, Jonathan? You've send at least a hundred abuse complaints that
I know of...

